Saturday, December 30

One Year Ago

One year ago today, Ryan and I found out that our little precious baby had died in my womb. It was probably the worst day of my life. I will never forget the pain, and the sadness of losing that life inside me. However, looking back, I can see how God used that event to shape my life - and the life of others. He has a divine plan for all of us, and though we don't always understand why things happen the way they do, we don't get to see the big picture. One day we will see exactly why these things happened in our lives. For now, we rejoice in the life that we now get to enjoy! Today I remember the little life that was our Baby Plett. We loved that little life, the one we never got to meet face to face. I'll be wearing this diamond cross today, that I bought last year to remember my baby.

Baby Plett,

Your daddy and I love you. We miss you, and we look forward to meeting you in Heaven. We just want you to know that you are not forgotten. You were a part of our lived for such a short time, but the footprints you left with last forever. We love you.

Mommy, Daddy & brother James


Drea said...

Thats a very sweet post.
I understand your feelings exactly. We lost a baby at about 3 months before we got pregnant with Caleb. Was so hard.

Just think though you'll see that lil baby one day :-)

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

Thinking of you and praying for you today. Maybe our little ones are playing together right now!

Becky said...

I don't know what it is like to lose a baby, I only know what it is like to love one... So I can only imagine how it hurts to have to say goodbye without really getting to say hello.

Love and hugs to you both.

Anonymous said...

We also had a miscarriage, between our 1st and 2nd. Through it all I kept telling myself, "one day we'll have another baby and we won't be able to imagine life without that baby, and we wouldnt' have had that baby if we hadn't had the miscarriage." I'm glad that this year you can enjoy James even in the midst of remembering the little one you lost.

(And in May around our miscarriage anniversary, I did this post, in remembrance:

Anonymous said...

(That link was too long, but if you want to go to that post, it was May 16, 2006 and entitled "God's Little Stockpile".)