Can you believe I'm into the first week of my sixth month?! Wow! I cannot believe we're here already. It seems like just yesterday that we found out we were pregnant again. I am just so thankful that up till this point we have remained healthy and that baby is doing well.
My side pain that I was experiencing has gone away now. I have been trying to be very careful not to lift anything too heavy, and have avoided doing anything strenuous (this includes most house cleaning duties). Well, I still have to keep the house clean - but I haven't gone on any big cleaning benders. My cold is also gone now - hallelujah - and now I'm on to some new and more interesting pregnancy symptoms.
Due to my male reading audience I won't go into any great detail about the strange breast issue that happened last week. Still a mystery, I at least know how to make it go away - and that's all that counts. I'm still getting a lot of kicks, and some of them are really strong! I can't see anything from the outside yet - but the strongest kicks are always at night when I can't see anyway. I've also turned into an OVEN! I finally understand why women have been giving me sypathetic responses when they have heard I'll be pregnant through the summer. It is HOT. We don't have a/c in our church, and the last few Sundays I've had to sit during the singing because I felt faint from the heat. I am SO thankful we have a/c in our house. Usually I am freezing, and would ask Ryan to turn the a/c down in the car - but these days I want it blasting straight at me! He's enjoying this change, as he is always boiling. I can't sleep with blankets on, and I can't have the shower too hot, and I can't stand to be outside in the heat for more than 15 minutes. It's crazy! I've also developed swollen ankles. Ick. I put on a pair of cute sandals last week, looked at my feet and thought "oh my goodness - what did I do to my FEET?". It's not very serious swelling, but noticeable to me for sure. So, I've been trying to keep them elevated when I can. I've also been getting a lot of comments about how BIG I am. At first I didn't mind, but by now I am tired of hearing it, because it causes me to worry. I know I come from a family that gets really huge during pregnancy, and I also know it's NOT twins.
I am also really excited because Ryan and I ordered our stroller/car seat and crib on Friday! It will take a few weeks for them to arrive, but I am thrilled to know they are coming. Both items were a gift from his parents, and we just feel so blessed. I can't wait to get started on setting up the baby's room.
I've also already had one "dumb mom" moment. Yesterday Ryan's cousins were at the pool with us, and I was holding baby Ryan (3 months old). He was wearing a onesie - and he was starting to get a little fussy, so his mom asked me to check his diaper. I totally blanked. How do I check his diaper when he's all dressed up? Do I hold his bum up to my face and sniff? Do I unbutton, and undiaper him to check? I felt like a complete moron. So, I just had to ask "Um, how do I check?". Thankfully, his mom was gracious, and just kindly told me to stick a finger in and look through the leg hole. Well, it was totally black in there - I couldn't see or smell anything! So, she had to come look herself (which meant she had to come out of the pool, I'm so ridiculous) - and found that he was, in fact, clean. So maybe I'm not so dumb afterall, but I sure felt dumb! I guess I have a lot to learn. She also made me feel better when she reminded me that it will all be so different when it's my own baby. Thanks Dana for not making me feel foolish.
My latest debate has been whether or not I want an epidural. I am honestly more terrified of getting an epidural than I am about the labour pain! My whole life I've been a bit paranoid of medications, and becoming addicted to them. In many cases (like with a headache) I'd rather just tough it out than take anything for it. So, I've been going back and forth on this one. I definately don't have a need to be a hero - so if I just can't take the pain any longer, I won't feel disappointed if I go for the epidural. But some people have told me I'll enjoy giving birth more if I just get it, and be more comfortable. What did you opt to do when you had your baby? And if you haven't had a baby, what do you
think you would do?