Monday, February 6

New Beginnings

Well, it's come time to move on. It's sort of funny - I was expecting to be able to post all about my pregnancy on my blog, but now that we've come to this place where we are sort of waiting to try again I don't know that I will have that much to blog about. We still want it to be a surprise when and if we do get prego again! So, this may be the last that you hear from me for a while. Of course, I'll post if anything comes to mind, but for now... we'll just see what is to come. Please keep us in your prayers, as I pray for each of you every night and thank God for you all. Thanks for helping me get to this place in one piece. You've all been a blessing to me through this time in one way or another. So, here's to trying again... cheers!


Janelle said...

you'll be just fine! I have been praying that God will just hold ou close, and make you feel so special & loved... i don't even know you and i love ya! hugs!

Nin said...

Will be thinking of you and praying for you. So glad you guys are giving it another shot. I wish you all the best! Can't wait to hear the surprise when it's time!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Heather you have been a blessing and I pray that God will give you another little blessing in your life. Keep trusting Him and don't get stressed while trying....I hear that stress is bad for you when you are trying.