Friday, February 24

Need Explanation

In my never-ending quest for information about pregnancy and miscarriages, I have come across numerous blogs and online discussion forums for moms. Many of these blogging/posting/chatting moms use some terms that I just can't figure out. What does DH, DS and DD stand for? When I read them, in my head I'm thinking "da Husband", "da Son" and "da Daughter". I'm sure it has a more technical meaning, and I'd just love to know what it's purpose is. Can someone enlighten and educate me on this special code-for-moms?


Krystle said...

Maybe Dear Husband, Dear Son, and Dear Daughter.
Or Darling???

patti said...

yes, dear is what the 'd' stands for.

Teri said...

Or if the hubby, etc. isn't so dear, it has another meaning ;)

Heather said...

Really? Oh, okay! I thought it had to be something much more complicated.