Wednesday, October 19

Positive Pee

Sorry for the graphic lead-in to this post, but I just couldn't resist. So... yesterday after work I still had not got my period, so I called my husband and told him I needed him to pick up a pregnancy test for me on his way home from work. He asked "What kind?", and I was like, "I don't know! Just choose one!". So he came home with a generic brand one that came with two tests "just in case". I decided that despite my eagerness to do the test, I would wait until the morning when the HcG levels are more concentrated.

Which brings me to this morning. I could hardly sleep, but the minute my alarm went off I was up. I went into the bathroom to do the test, and my husband walked in. Suddenly, I was totally self-concious, so I waited until he was in the shower, and then went to the other bathroom in the house. I pulled the stick out of the package (I had read all the instructions two times the night before), and sat down to do my thing. I stuck in the stick... waited 4 seconds, and then pulled it out and put the cap on. I put it down on the counter in front of me, and just watched. A slow movement of colour swept across the two little windows (as it said it would do), and the control window line grew dark and red - I had done the test right. I waited. It seemed like forever, and I thought, well, I guess it's negative. But then, a dim line began to appear. I looked closer... yes, indeed, there was a dim pink line in that window. Well, now I was confused. It was very pale. Was that it? I read the instructions again, under frequently asked questions, "The level of HcG will increase throughout your pregnancy, if you are testing early in your pregnancy, even a faint line in the window is evidence of pregnancy". I immediately went to find my husband. I had tears running down my face.

"Honey, what's wrong?"
"It's a yes."

So, I am pregnant! I am pregnant?!? I think I am pregnant. Wow. Wow, wow, wow. God is so good! So, today I will call my doctor and do a blood test to make sure. I am still in denial though. I just can't believe it! We are so excited!

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