Monday, October 31

My First Prenatal Appointment

My first prenatal appointment was fairly uneventful really. The doctor asked me all kinds of questions about my health, and the health of my family and my husband's family. We discussed various options for an ob/gyn or whether I'd just continue to go to my GP until later in the pregnancy. I decided to continue to see my GP for now, and then switch over to an ob/gyn later. We also decided that I should get the flu shot, as I am eligible. I go back next week to do a urine analysis, and blood analysis. My next appointment after that is not until December 15 - a date when we might already hear the fetal heartbeat! I've been feeling really good too, except for a brief moment of nausea yesterday afternoon. I'm still incredibly full of gas, but it seems that the bloating has gone down a fair bit. Hallelujah! That was so uncomfortable!

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