Monday, October 24

Can't Believe I'm Wearing Maternity Pants

My husband can't believe it either. This weekend he said, "You just found out you were pregnant, how can you need maternity clothes already?". I feel the same way! It feel ridiculous to wear maternity clothes - and still not telling many people that I am pregnant. So far just a close friend of mine knows, I needed some support. The websites I'm finding informative are and There is a lot of good advice there, and ladies write in with their thoughts. That's why I decided I'd go to Old Navy and pick up two pairs of maternity pants. They are cute - and I'm sooooo much more comfortable. I can breath while sitting at my desk now! My stomach aches on and off, and sometimes it "flutters". I haven't been sleeping well either, because I like to be on my back. We'll see how it goes. It's torture to work with my dad, and one of my best friends and not be able to tell them yet! Ah! Just another couple of weeks, and we'll spill the beans to my family - on my mom's 50th birthday.

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