Tuesday, October 18

Patiently Waiting & Pregnancy Symptoms

Well, it's the morning of the day that I should be getting my period. So far, there's no sign of it. I'm beginning to wonder if a lot of what I'm feeling is just in my head though. I've been having "pregnancy symptoms" for over a week. I've had nauseousness - although not enough to make me vomit, odd food cravings, a runny nose, a more acute sense of smell, cramps, stomach aches, and a few others. Not to mention that all of my pants seem a little tight. I have to undo the buttons on my jeans when I'm sitting. Can you even be showing at one month anyway? All of these symptoms have been listed on various websites as signs of pregnancy, but I'm in denial. I want to be pregnant, but what if my body is doing all of these things because I WANT it to be doing these things?! I guess the only way I'll know is by doing a pregnancy test. If I haven't got my period by the end of the day, I'll get my husband to pick up a test on his way home from work and do it tomorrow morning. (They suggest that the first urination in the morning is the best for testing). *deep sigh* I'm trying so hard not to get my hopes up, but at the same time I keep imagining all the ways I could tell my parents that they are going to be grandparents for the first time! My mom's 50th birthday is in 2 weeks - it would be perfect! Crossing my fingers, saying a little prayer...

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