Thursday, December 10

Picky Princess

So I finally got in to see my Dr. (it required me to call the secretary in tears after trying to get a screaming Rayya to latch on after 30 minutes). She checked us over very thoroughly, and assures me that we do not have thrush. She suggested some preventative therapy, just in case - but according to her, we do not have it. I am thankful! I've heard how difficult it can be to get rid of, and of course all the various treatment options had my head in a spin. I did try the boric acid treatment (1/2 tsp boric acid diluted in 1 cup boiled water, apply with cotton balls squeezed of excess liquid to nipples and baby's mouth before each feeding - in case you want to try it). It took care of some of my itchy nipple trouble - but made Rayya scream even moreso. However, we don't have thrush... apparently what we have is a picky princess.
Given my explanation of exactly what Rayya has been doing, my Dr. says it's a sure bet that she is reacting to a slow let-down. Because I started off with the OPPOSITE problem of a fast and forceful let-down, Rayya is simply displeased by the lack of immediate food. Can't say I blame her, but my goodness! She sure puts up a fuss! So, with luck she will just get used to it and start to nurse better again. On the other hand, she may just do this for the rest of the time that I choose to nurse her. Argh. I have already reached my 3 month goal, and hope now to get to 4 months. I think I can do one more month with no life... and of course get through the Christmas season with my picky princess as well. If you notice I've disappeared at various gatherings or events, I've likely gone to hide in a dark, quiet closet hoping to get my baby fed!


Jessica said...

I don't know if you saw my comment on your "struggles of the milk maid" post, but for myself i found that setting goals helped, like i can do this for one more month... 7 months later here we are.. now we have a baby who loves to nurse and we're trying to slowly wean him :(

Trev and Rebekah said...

Glad you were able to figure it out. Thinking of you and I love the picture of the kids. It's on my fridge.

Domestic Bloggess said...

So glad to hear it's not thrush! Hoping it all figures itself out sooner than later - I can only imagine how frustrating that must be.

Lindsay said...

You're doing great, Heather. And you'll make the right decisions for you - and for Rayya.

maresi said...

I know how frustrating it can be... Congratulations on making as far as you have! I hope you have peace with how things are going, whatever you choose to do. It's hard and you're doing a great job.