Thursday, December 24

I'm Catching On, Aunt Flow

Sometimes it just takes a little longer to figure out what's going on - and perhaps I can blame it on being a busy mother of two. I think I'm finally catching on to my body's schedule, and by figuring that out, I have effectively also figured out a few of my nursing issues.

Rayya started sleeping fairly long stretches at night around two months, possibly even earlier. It is not unusual to expect a five hour stretch from her, and I've been blessed with stretches up to nine hours! Some moms will wake their baby to feed after a certain number of hours, and I did so with James (though I usually didn't have to with him). I had previously decided that with this baby I wasn't going to do that. As many "old school" moms will tell you, "let a sleeping baby lie". I didn't expect to be getting that many hours, but I'm totally okay with it! As a result, my period returned a little earlier too, about two months ago. At the time of it's return, I was able to attribute a few nursing issues to the return of those hormones. Once I had finished the cycle, everything went back to normal. I can apparently ward off some of these issues by taking a calcium/magnesium supplement - instead of the herbs I was taking, which ultimately gave Rayya horrible gas pain, and I had to quite taking them - even though they were helping.

So a few weeks ago, Rayya started getting extremely distracted by almost anything while nursing. She would constantly try to turn her head while nursing, taking my nipple along for the ride. Ouch! I started to develope some pretty bad nipple pain, and was beginning to wonder if I'd be able to keep going. Well, a week of that and suddenly, the pain was nearly gone! What?! I was surprised at it's rather abrupt disappearance, but thankful none-the-less.

Last night Rayya was up several times in the night to nurse, and today I've noticed a significant drop in my milk supply. Looking back on my calendar it has all become clear!

The nipple pain I was experiencing happened exactly when I was most likely ovulating. Now, the drop in my milk supply is a good indicator that any day now Aunt Flow will come a-calling. As soon as she does, everything will go back to normal. On top of all that, Rayya's extra fussiness seems to be linked to her bi-weekly poop schedule (yes, she still regularly poops only every fourteen to sixteen days). At the end of the two week period, a day or two before "poop day" she is extremely irritable - and this irritability seems to grow over the week prior to "poop day". After "poop day" (which is an entire day of numerous, horrid smelling diapers), she is back to her happy self.

And thus, the cycle continues...


Wenona said...

Wow Heather. Good for you for figuring all that out. That's quite amazing!
Merry Christmas to your little family!

Carla said...

Way to go Sherlock! Very insightful you are. I can't believe that little miss only poops once every two weeks. Yeeowser!

Unknown said...

Glad you figured things out Heather! It can be so stressful when you just don't know why nursing issues are happening or what to do about them.

Erica H said...

Good to hear you're really trying to keep this nursing thing on the go - good for you! I JUST got my period a couple weeks ago, so Britta was 9 months old. She still isn't sleeping through the night ALL the time, but she's gotten better - so I think I probably would've gone longer w/o a period had she still continued to get up for that middle of the night feed. But since getting my period, my milk has definitely dwindled. In fact, I think I've decided to start the weening process when Britta turns 10 months old, and hopefully by the time she's a year I'll be dryed up. But I've REALLY been happy that I can nurse this long...I only nursed Annika until she was 8 months old, and I hoped to make it a year with Britta. That's still my goal. And Rayya may be getting up in the night recently due to a growth spurt - she's maybe having her 3 month, who knows. But she's still young enough that a night feed isn't abnormal, nor is it wrong...they need that extra nutrition sometimes.

Good on ya for keeping on going! :) Nursing ROCKS!