Saturday, December 19

The Joys of Parenting

Some days you just have to ask yourself, "why did I even bother"? Yesterday I decided that we would make a trip to Winnipeg after the kids had napped. This was for several reasons, because usually I avoid the mall in December like I would a kid with a cough during an H1N1 pandemic. In no particular order, the reasons why we went were:
1) So my brother could do some Christmas shopping.
2) So we could go see Santa, who was actually Ryan's Uncle Stan.
3) So we could have supper with our friend Tannis, who was out from BC.
4) So I could exchange a sweater I got for Christmas, and have it to wear this weekend.
5) So I could pick up all the desserts I needed for family gatherings this weekend.
6) To do some window browsing, and perhaps spend a gift certificate I received.
How much of this was actually accomplished? Well, my brother was able to buy one gift. We did SEE Santa, but did not sit on his knee. I exchanged the sweater, but chose something in under 5 minutes in desperation, and then proceeded to wait for almost another 20 minutes (while James ran amuck in the store, chased by Uncle Matt, and Rayya was alternately hysterical and then all smiles with all the attention she was getting from the clerks) to do the exchange. I did pick up the desserts - THANK YOU M&M Meat Shop! I did no extra window browsing or shopping. We did have supper with Tannis. However, I spent the ENTIRE meal finding a place to nurse a SCREAMING baby - which ended up being in our van in the parking lot, and by the time I was finished and back in the restaurant, only Ryan was left at the table... and my plate of cold food. Tannis had needed to leave to another engagement. Matt was chasing James around (who had evidently been extremely wild at supper), and Ryan was waiting for my return so that he could walk with Rayya while I put back that plate of seafood linguine in 5 minutes, tops. Oh, the joy!


Morgan said...

We went to a party last night and Owen screamed nearly the whole time and Riley got ignored by the other kids who refused to play with her because she was too small. A great time had by all as well....

Dianna said...

Awww I so feel for you! I've made the decision to NEVER go shopping again with a breastfeeding child! I've been there done that. Not fun. Sometimes grandmas come in handy. Just drop them off when you can while you have lots of errands to do.

Jolene said...

And my single childless friends wonder why a trip to St.Vital alone is such a treat, why it is such a big deal to exchange something, why going out to eat is actually more work than making supper at home, and why I never bat an eye when I am shopping and someone else's kid is running around "causing a scene." It's a good thing God made them just so darn cute, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Morgan - That sounds horrible! I'm so sorry!

Dianna - I think that's my last time in the mall while breastfeeding too. And yes, grandma's house is the best place for the kids when I need to do local errands!

Jolene - You are SO right!

Tammy G. said...

I'm sure you have thought of this but if I wore the girls while shopping they seemed happier. Mine weren't fussy breast feeders so I also can't relate so sorta grasping at straws. I hate to see you give anything up even though I know it is temporary. In restaurants I pack lots for them to do even now that they are older. Except they do their own packing now. lol

Erica H said...

Been there done that...TOTALLY! We rarely go to a mall with both girls, much less a RESTAURANT! You were very ambitious, but its those ambitions we need to go one in order to face our fears...or to just get our arrends done! :)