Saturday, November 15


I feel a little nudge in my heart, and I'm trying to pray into it (even though I'm still struggling in the prayer department right now). A few good friends have told me that perhaps I should join a support group of some kind for women with infertility, miscarriages, and failed adoptions (from now on if I talk about 'women who have lost babies', I am including all of these types of losses in one group, okay?). After thinking about it, it occurred to me that I know A LOT of women who could benefit from a group like this - and many of them are nearby, right here in Friendly Manitoba. So... the little nudge in my heart came as an idea, "What if YOU (Heather) would start a support group?". Oh my! I wouldn't even know where to begin, where to have it, what to talk about... so, could you please pray into this with me? I need your intercessory help. Also, if you are someone who would be interested in joining such a group, please let me know by emailing me at the link above ("Email Me"). My current thought is a once-a-month meeting in a church somewhere? Wow - can't believe I'm putting this out there, because it feels like a committment.


Trev and Rebekah said...

If I were in MB I would join!
I love you and am praying for you.

Erica H said...

I think that sounds like an awesome idea!

Lena said...

I would love to join- but it depend where in Manitoba you would have it :)

maresi said...

I think that's a wonderful idea, and I bet there's tons of women who'd benefit from a group like that. Sadly, more than we can even imagine!

Jolene said...

I think that is a fabulous idea. I don't think there is enough support for women experiencing these hurts. There is no one better to start a support group for women who have lost babies or have struggled to have children than someone who has been there or rather IS there.

Erica H said...

I've nominated your blog (on my blog) for a blog award, fyi.

Janelle said...

there is no way that you SHOULDn't do this! :)
but i'll pray about it.
and i wish i could be a part of it.

Brandi said...

wow what an amazing ministry that would be, and such an emotional undertaking! I know when I had my miscarriage it was so amazing to talk to other women who had been through the same thing