Friday, October 10

Somebody has been Praying!

I can feel your prayers. I truly, truly can. And somebody has very specifically chosen to pray for James - that he would be an extra good boy. listen to mommy, and that he would sleep well at night while I am feeling low. It's the only explanation for the amazing boy he has been for the last few days! Well, that and he IS an incredibly good boy - but not usually THIS good! He's just been a joy to be with, and makes me smile and laugh non-stop. Thank you!


Trev and Rebekah said...

I am thankful for you. Thanks for the card and soap.
I am glad James has been good for you. I hope you have a good Thanksgiving. I love you!

Nin said...

Hoping and praying you're feeling better. I'm here anytime if you want to vent, and vent and vent. Grief is such hard road, so many ups and downs, and you never know when they'll happen or where or why. It's different for everyone. Allow the grief to happen, and DO NOT FEEL GUILT FOR IT! I am always here to listen.