Monday, June 4

A Full Night's Sleep

James' sleeping habits have been so hit and miss lately - it's driving me nuts. One night he'll sleep well, with just his usual feedings, and then the next he'll be up numerous times for no apparent reason. Some say gas. Some say growth spurt. Some say teething. Some say it's time to implement the "cry it out" strategy. I just don't know.

In any case, my mom has offered to take James for the night tonight. We are taking him over there around 5:00pm, and leaving him for the night! Ack! I'm partly excited, and partly nervous. I know my mom will do a great job with him, but I have NEVER been away from him that long - let alone during the night. I just don't want him to be afraid. Moreso, I don't want to hear that he slept through the night for her! Wouldn't that just be my luck?! I have to collect all his stuff for tonight - track down the playpen, make bottles to last the night, put a bag of clothes and toys together, plus pack his towel and other bath stuff as he needs the ones that have been washed in baby detergent (due to his rash prone skin). It will probably be fun for them, but I still can't shake my nervousness. I doubt I'll even sleep well, because I'll be wondering how things are going! Don't worry - I will enjoy my night of rest, and hopefully Ryan and I will have a chance to watch a movie and relax together.

So, wish me luck as I am about to go back to life without a child... for one night!


Ellen said...

that is so awesome for you that your mom is doing this for you!! take full advantage of it!! I remember the first time I was away from my little boy for the night - it was a little nerve-wracking but I knew that he was in good hands!! It will be so good for you! hopefully you will be able to sleep all night and wake up feeling refreshed! Take care of youself too!! (as hard as it is to do at times, it is really important)

Jamie said...

Wow - that sounds glorious! We're all sleeping pretty well around besides a few issues with Micah but I would KILL to have a sleep-in day! I understand your nervousness though so I hope you can just RELAX and enjoy it!!

Janelle said...

i'm sooo proud of you! i know one of the best things i EVER did was send Kamryn for evenings or sleepovers as soon as i could when she was little. if you wait too long to "let go" might never do it...which some of my friends are experiencing and regretting! the first nite is always hard - but if you focus on enjoying it, and the opportunity to spend quality time with your man...and the fact that your Mom will take awesome care of him (who is it that we call for advice all the time anyways???) - then you'll be just fine and will be able to do it again sometime soon for another good nites sleep! :) enjoy my dear! be brave!

Christy said...

Good for you Heather! We left Tristan for the first time when he was around the same age. My Mom took him for the night. I was a little nervous to be away from him but I had a great night with my hubby and an awsome sleep in! Take advantage of this opportunity and have a great night!

Stacey said...

My thoughts: Have some time with your hubby, then take a nice sleeping pill and go to bed early! Then you can sleep as long as you need, and don't have to worry about anything. How great of your mom to do this for you!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Let me know how it went.

Kell Rees said...

I am SO jealous! My oldest used to stay at my moms once a week just to give us some time to relax and go out together, but Hailey (who is 11 months) hasn't stayed anywhere yet. I am still nursing her so it would be hard but i would love a full nights sleep.

Take advantage of it and let me know how it goes. Good Luck:-)

kelly ens said...

we had our first baby-free night when taeya was 6 months old. And she was definitely not sleeping through the night either. I thought I'd be worried, but once we got to our destination, i was pretty happy to be "free." so i hope you enjoy it and can realize that even if he doesn't sleep well, it's only one night your mom has to "suffer." :)

Erica H said...

Oh yay! I hope it went well, and that you and your hubby enjoyed a night off! Annika's daytime sleeping (or lack there of) is still pretty bad...I hope James did well for your mom.