Monday, May 7

A Death in the Family

Our dear little kitten DJ went to Heaven today. She has been sick on and off since she wandered into our lives almost two years ago. She was a sweet little stray, and we kept her. Since then, we have had to make numerous trips to the vet with her because she seems to constantly get sick - even though she got all her shots shortly after we adopted her. We finally decided we could no longer afford to take her to the vet, so this time when she got sick we just hoped she would get better on her own. We set her up in our laundry room, and for the last few days she has remained in there. She lost bladder control, and soaked her little kitty bed (which Ryan lined with a towel). Poor little gal. When I got into the house this morning after being away, DJ was throwing herself madly around our basement and screaming. It was completely heart-wrenching. I took a towel, and threw it over her to calm her down. She finally laid down, and I was able to keep her calm. I petted her for a few minutes, and she quietly died. She was a fun little kitty, and a friend for Puss, we'll miss her.


Robin Fehr said...

Hi Heather;
Your dad mentioned that things were a little touch and go with DJ this morning. Sorry to hear about the loss. That must have been horrifying to hear!!

Wenona said...

Sorry to hear about your kitty. It's no fun when a pet dies.

Janelle said...

oh Heather! i totally remember when my kitty was honestly one of the worst days ever...and especially to see your kitty like that..i'm sorry!

Jamie said...

Poor Kitty. It brings back memories of growing up on the farm and experiencing numerous tramautic pet deaths! I hope Puss doesn't get too lonely :)

Kim Funk said...

oh my goodness im so sorry heather..that would have been so hard to see..animals sure do became very much apart of the family, so im sure this isnt easy for you guys!!

-Me- said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty...Its always hard when pets pass away, that must have been kind of difficult. Take care Heather.

Jolene said...

As a cat lover I can honestly say I feel so sad for you. I know my cats are "just" pets but I would be very sad if they died. It's like losing a furry member of the family.

Jilly said...

Sorry to hear that your cat died. It's tough when a pet dies because they become part of the family. Hope it's going ok :)