Tuesday, April 18

God Can Use A Blog

I was reflecting this morning on why I had originally started this blog. It was started just prior to me finding out I was pregnant, and it was supposed to be this lovely journey through my perfect pregnancy, and the birth of our first beautiful baby. How interesting as I look back now and see what it has become. I could never have known that it would become this forum of hope and miracles. Only God could have known that, and made this blog into what it has become to me. When I write here, I am opening up a part of me that I haven't shared in a long time - my faith - and how it empowers me, and gives me peace and hope even when I don't think I have any strength left to find it.

I never knew things would happen this way, but because of it I have made new friends, found depth in my beliefs and my faith in my loving God and Saviour. I have grown more in love with my husband, and learned to cherish people more than anything else on the earth. I believe I am stronger, and I believe I can get through anything with Christ. I don't fear the future as much as I used to. In fact, I'm really looking forward to it!

I know that this blog is going to have a happy ending, and one day I will be able to record all about the beautiful babies that my husband and I will have. However, right now I am thankful that it started out this way. Yes, truly thankful. I am so glad all of you have been following along with me on this difficult journey, and I hope you've been learning things with me. It's amazing, but God can use a blog.


Wenona said...

Heather, I really admire your outlook on everything that has happened in the last few months. I hope that everything works out for you and you are in my prayers. I am amazed at how you can find God's grace in this all and that He does have an aweseome plan for you for your life. Thanks for being an encouragement to all women out there.

Kimberley said...

That´s awesome Heather, and I am glad that you could learn all that amazing stuff from all this. God is always faithful even when things go not the way we plan them. Keep trusting HIM and all your dreams will come true.

Janelle said...

it's funny that you wrote that because just yesterday i started from the first day of your blog & read until now. i wanted to go back & really realize all you have been through. it's been a long road already Heather - but i know God will lighten your load. You have such an incredible faith & it shines in everything you do.

Nin said...

I too have read through your whole blog. I started reading right after you two found out about baby going to heaven, which happened to be right after I found out to be pregnant. I felt very drawn to hear all that you had to say, and I'm so glad I've stayed, your faith and courage has been a huge inspiration to me. I love how God's faithfulness has been the center of it all for you. I know that God has you on this path for a reason, and that blessings are on the other side. You are already walking in His blessings, His faith, joy and patience are sweet fruits from walking in His light. You've blessed me so much by sharing your story, and I look forward to reading the new chapter, because I know our God is in the business of making ALL THINGS NEW! Blessings my sister in Christ, we serve an amazing God.

Trev and Rebekah said...

You are an encouragement to those around you. God will use you and your story to touch many lives.
When times are tough it's hard to see good in it. However it is always neat to look back and thank God for those hard times that made us grow.