Tuesday, April 4

Fragility of Life

It's not a new concept. We've all been told a thousand times before, "life is fragile", "live every day like it's your last", "no one lives forever". However, it has really only become real to me this past year with the death of our precious baby. Our days here on earth are numbered. All of us have the same fate - no one will be here forever.

Now, more than ever before, I want to be surrounded by family and friends at all times. My heart aches to have my brother and sister-in-law, niece and nephew living far away. These years go by so quickly, and it's so easy to take them for granted. Occasionally this has overwhelmed me lately, as I want to make sure that my every last breath is used so that others will say when I'm gone "she made a difference in my life". Those are some tough shoes to fill.

These days, the little bit of dust on the windowsill doesn't bother me so much. The laughter of children playing in the spring run-off is refreshing. My husband walking through the door after work is heaven. Everything is more precious, everything is more beautiful.

To think that God blessed me, a wretched sinner, with all of these earthly blessings. Why me? I definately don't deserve it. I also realize, more than ever, the importance of having my family and friends following Christ. I want them to share my eternal home with me. How can I tell them how important this is without turning them away forever? Or will my tear-stained cheeks, and pleading eyes impart to them the value of my words, and the truth of my actions? Or maybe a simple hug will plant a seed deep in their hearts that Christ Himself will water, and I will see all of those wonderful faces when we walk hand-in-hand through that glorious Gate someday.

These are probably fairly deep and scary thoughts for a Tuesday morning, but it was on my heart. I pray for each of you daily, that my words posted here will bless you, encourage you, and give you peace. May God richly bless you today. May everything good in your life seem extra sweet!


Janelle said...

i need to remind myself of this everyday - and remember how blessed i am for everything i have - big or small.
you have been such a blessing on my life, and i love ya tons. i really want God to surround you & just give you tons of hope - hope for the FUTURE. He can do amazing things...He always, always does.

Trev and Rebekah said...

You are awesome at writing.
Thanks for being an encouragement. I hear you about enjoying every moment. I so often am afraid if Trev walks out the door he won't come back. Trev always reminds me that I have no control over that. But I can atleast love him and pray for him.
Thanks for being a good friend!

Nin said...

wow, amen.
be blessed today as you have blessed me :)

Pastor George said...

Great thoughts and very encouraging.