Friday, April 28

FINALLY - The Big, Fat Blog Post

So, here goes... I'm going to recap the events from the last month.

This was my post on March 6, where I've since left you hanging:
Last night I called my good friend Terrilee for advice. She told me that I could possibly have done the test too early - especially if my cycle is still somewhat obscure, or if my hormones are still out of whack. So, based on her (experienced) advice I will do the following: wait another week, and if I still have not had a period I'll do another test. If the test is positive - YAY! If it's still negative, then I will probably go see my doctor. So, the wait begins... but at least I'm feeling a little more upbeat.

Well, I waited another week (less a day), and did another test first thing in the morning. I was SO afraid, but I sat on the toilet lid and prayed and waited. I looked at the test, and... nothing. Dejected, I sat there for a few minutes crying, and just asked God what I was supposed to do next. I picked up the test to toss it, and then noticed...

... an incredibly faint, barely there pink line had developed on the test! WHAT?! My hands were shaking, I just could not believe my eyes - let alone the test. I tried to convince myself that such a faint line probably meant nothing. Maybe that was an "evaporation" line. But no, ANY line on a pregnancy test indicated a positive result. I was PUMPED!

Ryan was upstairs, and I went to the bottom of the stairs and yelled up at him, "Honey, I'm pregnant again!". Silence. "Honey, we're going to have a baby!". Silence. Finally, "Really? Are you sure?". "YES! I'm SURE!".

He took one look at that faint, faint line and decided he wouldn't believe it until the word came from the doctor's mouth that we were, in fact, carrying another new little life inside. I already had an appointment booked, because whether it was a yes or no, I was going to go see her anyway.

Sure enough, she confirmed that we were prego again, and we could finally rejoice together!

The first few weeks were relatively uneventful, but all of a sudden I started to feel gross. I felt pukey all day and all night, didn't want to eat, and was grumpy as ****. I was THRILLED! I never had any strong symptoms like that in my first pregnancy. Something was definately different, and something was definately working!

At week 7 I started to get some weird pains in my sides, and had some slight spotting. I freaked out, and went immediately to my doctor. She decided we should test for an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy - so I did some blood tests to measure my level of hormone production, and went in for an early ultrasound. We couldn't see much at the ultrasound, because the baby was so microscopic at that point. All the baby was was a blink on the screen! There was some bleeding of the yolk sack detected, but was told it was nothing to worry about - it would likely heal on it's own. They did ask me to come back in two weeks so they could see more.

So, I went back on week 9 and had another ultrasound. We saw baby - and baby had a beating heart and appeared to be fine. The bleeding had also looked to have stopped! Hallelujah! We were soooooooooo happy! The very next day I saw my regular doctor, and she said my blood tests showed a perfect doubling of my hormones, and so that was totally normal. Another hallelujah! We did discover, however, that because I am Rh Negative I would need a WinRho shot because of the yolk sack bleed. So, we did that. Now I have to get shots every 12 weeks, just in case the bleeding would continue.

Since then, things have been going well. I still feel exhausted, moody, and occasionally nauseous - but I've only puked once, and that was because I had a cold and it triggered something in my stomach. My tummy is bulging, I've gained 3 pounds, I have major cravings (Arby's, Arby's and more Arby's, and Cheerios), and at the moment I can't stand the thought of vegetables or fruits. My complexion is hideous, and my hair is dull - but I am just praising God!

The fears have not faded, however. I am very nervous, and anxious, and as week 14 (the week we found out we'd lost Baby Plett) approaches, I keep looking to God to strengthen me, and make be brave. So, we're 11 1/2 weeks prego - and due in November. God is awesome!

Thank you Lord, for answering our prayers. Thank you for your healing hand, and for blessing us once again. Protect our little angel, and protect all the little angels of all the other pregnant women who are reading this right now... and those that aren't. You are so good to us. Thank you. Amen.


Nin said...

Oh my goodness!
The God we serve is nothing short of amazing! His faithfulness never ceases to blow me away. I'm totally crying!!! I've never cried reading a blog before, I'm rejoicing with you my sister!!
God has a perfect plan for you and your husband, and a perfect plan for this new little one.
I'm so happy for you both! I totally knew a huge blessing was on the other side of your wave. Didn't know it would come so soon! Wow! Sorry, am totally having a moment, of being amazed.... He is awesome. I look soooo forward to hearing all about your symptoms, your cravings, your size changes, your mood swings! Soak it up Heather, you are so blessed!!!!
Happy 11th week, two more weeks and you're into the second trimester already! So pumped, thank you so much for pouring out your heart on this blog, for sharing your fears, your struggles, your trials, your nightmares, and most of all your hope found in the Lord, and His overwhelming faithfulness. Feel so blessed to have been a small part of your journey, can't wait to embark on the rest! You have been such an encouragement to me, I hope you realize, how much your hope and faith and trust in Him has passed on to all of us. You are so deserving of all the joy that is to come. Heartbeats, little kicks, a bulging belly holding inside a new life, and finally a new addition to your already beautiful family. Oh my, am so sappy, I blame it on the pregnancy. You will be in my prayers, whoo hoo! praise God!

Janelle said...

i won't even be able to express myself here - so keep checking your e-mail...i love you.

Crystal said...

Congratulations......God is definately in the blessings business, thank you so much for your encouragement this week......I so appreciate it!

Vicki said...

Praise the Lord! I am so happy to hear that you are pregnant! I will keep you in my prayers! God is truly is amazing! God Bless.

Heather said...

Now all of you have ME crying!

andrew + camille said...

i am so happy for you. this totally made my day and I am rejoicing with you and for you, heather. praise God!
i will keep praying for peace and for your fears and anxiety to slip away.

Kimberley said...

Well everyone has already said this but CONGRATULATIONS. You both definitly deserve this and it is amazing that God answers prayers so quickly. I will be praying for you both as you go through all of this. CONGRATULATIONS once again.

Wenona said...

I am so happy for you guys! I will definately keep you in my prayers and ask God to help that little baby of yours make itself very comfy in your tummy and ride out these 9 months. God bless!

Erin said...


Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

Hi, I don't know you and don't really remember how I found your blog in the first place, but I'ver been reading it since your first pregnancy and I'm really excited for you guys! Hope you'll have a exciting pregnancy!
