Thursday, April 27

A Reminder to Myself

"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17

So true. Our lifetime to God is like a snapshot - just one microscopic moment. Our everyday afflictions will be but a grain of sand in comparison to the eternal life we have to look forward to. It may not make it easier to go through the tough times, but it sure puts it in perspective and gives us something to look forward to in the meantime!


Janelle said...

ok. did you write that right at me? i need to remind myself of that...i just wish that i could think about how BLESSED i am all the time instead of always worrying about the negative. i want to try to be more positive - like you! i know it's not easy, but you keep persevering through it all. HUGS!

Nin said...

Thank you for reminding me