Wednesday, December 28

We Made It!

Well, look at that! We've made it into the infamous second trimester without a major hitch. God is good! I have to take back one comment however, my complexion is no longer better then ever - it's the pits! But I can handle that, and hopefully getting a little sun on it while we are on vacation will help it out a little.

I'm excited about going on vacation while prego. The buffet at our hotel is amazing, and just being in that warm, moist climate will be a nice relief from the cold, dry air at home. I also get to look cute in my bikini, and spend some quality romantic time with Ryan before heading into a long six months of nothing before baby arrives.

As a Christmas present to each other, we bought a bedroom suite. This means that some of our clothing will finally move out of babies' room, and I can start working at getting it ready. Baby also got a few nice Christmas presents - some blankets from grandma and grandpa Plett, Trisha, and a teether from Great Auntie Karen and Great Uncle Brent.

1 comment :

Janelle said...

congratulations! reading your blog is bringing back MANY memories of my pregnancy! i also had to be in maternity clothes by 7 weeks along! what an exciting time! i'm really excited to follow you as you experience this amazing time in your life! enjoy it! it's crazy - but you will actually MISS being pregnant.