Tuesday, December 20

One More Day

One more day until I've reached the thirteen week mark, not that thirteen weeks means anything terribly exciting. It does mean, however, one more week until I've officially said good bye to the first trimester.

My constipation seems to have dissipated some now (knock on wood), so that is a great relief. I am also a lot less gassy and bloated, which means that some of my pre-prego clothes are still fitting not too badly this week. I finally found some time to do some shopping for our trip to Maui in two weeks. It looks like most of my elastic waisted skirts will work, and I have a couple pairs of capris pants that still fit too. It was mostly tops that I really needed, which I was able to pick up at Garage clothing. They make their t-shirts really extra long - so I got a few cute ones. I also picked up a maternity bathing suit, but I think I will also wear my bikini - and show off my tummy!

I don't seem to be having the same cravings either. Maybe they have also tapered off. Last week I just couldn't get enough salt and vinegar chips. The saltier and vingerier the better! This week I've been polishing off a lot of veggies and dip that I took to a family gathering (probably a major key in why I'm not so constipated). I can't wait until our vacation where I can eat as much fresh fruit as I can get!


Tannis said...

Flaunt it baby - stick with the bikini. It's your chance to be proud of the bulge and you know you have a navel-man there who will appreciate it.

Heather said...

You betcha!