Thursday, December 15


Well, unfortunately we didn't get to hear a heartbeat today at my doctor's appointment. It was technically a little bit early to try, but I'm still slightly disappointed. Otherwise, all is well. We also found out that I am Rh negative, and Ryan is Rh positive. This means that at 28 weeks I have to go get a shot called Winro, just to ensure the babies health. I also get a special little card that explains the situation in case anything should happen to me or the baby. I have gained one kilo (less than a pound), and all my vital signs are A-okay.


Ang said...

Aw Heather, won't be long. Didn't Jeanne have the same blood situation with Frank?

Heather said...

Yes, Ang - I believe it is the same thing Jeanne had. She had to get a shot every month, so I'm glad I don't have to do that. Just one shot, and I'm good to go!