Thursday, December 8

Pregnancy Poem

Today I emailed many friends and clients about my pregnancy. What a good way to feel instantly popular, and fill your Inbox! One client even wrote a poem...

There once was a artist named Heather
Who did not hesitate on whether
To be a Mom would be a delight
Though the change would be day and night.
May the years touch your family with a feather!

Pretty good for spur-of-the-moment!


Amber said...

Heather, what a relief, huh? To finally spill your big news! It's so hard to keep the secret for so long, but at the same time, it's also fun for the first while to know that nobody knows except you & your hubby!!! Congrats again, and I wish you health and happiness as you wait for your baby to arrive :)

Heather said...

Thanks Amber! We are really, really excited. We just feel soooo blessed, and every day I just want to meet the new little person more and more.

patti said...

hey heather...
had fun reading your post on this blog...oh the memories....

a big congrats to you..becoming a mom is the best thing ever!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Patricia! I'm excited to "join the club".