Tuesday, November 8


So I had a little "whoops" this week in keeping my pregnancy a secret. I was signed in to my Motherhood blog, and eventually drifted over to a friend's blog about her own pregnancy. Without thinking anything of it, I left a comment on her blog. Yesterday evening I got a call from another friend. She started by saying, "I think I know something I'm not supposed to know. I don't know if I should tell you that first, or say congratulations!". Ends up that I left a comment signed in on my Motherhood post - directly linking anyone to this blog that would click on my name. As far as I know, only one person managed to make it to my "secret" blog. I deleted the comment, and hopefully the news stops there! Yikes, I'm so clumsy and absent-minded these days. I better get my act together if I'm going to keep this secret until December!

1 comment :

Amber said...
