Tuesday, March 2

More Vaccine Info

Alright, so in my panic yesterday I got a few details wrong. There is no aborted fetal tissue actually IN the vaccines. The viruses from which vaccines are created are cultured in these tissues. Also, there is no aborted fetus factory out there for which these tissues come from. The same three cell lines have been used now for 35 years, and the aborted babies were not aborted FOR this purpose. That changes things for me. I like this article that a friend sent yesterday. I think it makes some good points.
That being said, I am going to be talking to our local public health nurse about the possibility of bringing in the "ethical alternatives" for my kids. This might mean more pricks... but I'm okay with that, we can space them out. In the meantime, if there are no alternatives, my children will still be vaccinated. I was never an advocate for the chickenpox vaccine anyway, and I don't think James got it. I do think the MMR vaccine is important, because these viruses can cause sterility in men (my uncle is sterile because he got measles as a child), and can cause miscarriages and severe birth defects if Rayya got it while pregnant someday. So that's my stand on that issue. I'll likely spend more time in prayer about it, but for today my decision is made.


Teri said...

I'm glad you posted this. My two area already vaccinated but it did upset me to read the article.

Dianna said...

Drug companies are out to make money with their useless vaccines. I could never vaccinate my kids but each to his/her own. My kids don't get sick half as much as those around them do who are vaccinated. Back in the days where Jesus walked on earth you never heard mention about vaccinations. God created beautiful wonderfully made! Why put or inject poison in body that in years of that poison on your body turns into a disease like Lupus for instance. So no matter what ppl claim the vaccination prevents they fail to see what is becomes in your body in later years. I could go on and on for years of research.. My mind is MADE UP!! WE do NOT vaccinate and we are @ PEACE with our decision.

Kimberley said...

Oh Heather I am glad you posted this. I got Logan vaccinated for Chickenpox today and I asked the health nurse and she explained pretty much what you already figured out. I persoanlly am a firm believer in vacination first of all because my son will be living or visiting a third world country many times in his life and these diseases are in fact active in these parts and secondly because the wonderful bodies that God designed for us are no longer perfect, in fact they are weak because of sin... whatever it could be a long story. Anyway I hope you figure out what is best for you guys and that is all we can do... our best!