Wednesday, March 3

The Kids

Rayya, my little munchka. You couldn't be any more adorably cute! I love how you chatter almost constantly, and try to grab my mug and peek inside of it. I love how you kick your legs when you are excited, and how you smile so big when you see me that you have to turn away. I love how laid back you are most of the time, and how you just seem to be smiling all day long. Even though I wish you'd sleep longer stretches at night, I love how you look when I tip-toe out of your room when you've fallen back to sleep. I love how you smell. I love your skin. I love your hair. I love your eyes. I love how you are part of me, and part of daddy. I love that we call you "Birdie" because you never close your mouth, and are always soaked. I love watching you looking at James - studying all his moves so that in time you can follow along. I love how you spin the froggy toy on your exersaucer over and over again. I love how you watch my face to see my reaction to things that you do - like splash your legs in the bathtub. Rayya, I love everything about you - you are my miracle baby.

Jamers, my little monkey. You are precious. I love how you learn things so quickly, and how much you love to talk about everything you've learned. I love how much you talk - even when it gets frustrating. I love how almost every day you get us rolling on the floor laughing by something you've said. I love you for being so willing to wear your glasses, and then getting even cuter once you have them on. I love how you do everything at high speed, and full force. I love how you giggle, and how it sounds when you are playing with your cars and whispering to them. I love it that crocodile Steve plays in my plants - even though you break the leaves off. I love your zest for life, and your excitement over things - like making Jello, or building forts. I love how you have always loved your sister, and when you tell me you think she's cute. I love how you know exactly which four Hot Wheels cars I like best - because they are sparkly. I love how you try out new phrases you heard on cartoons that day. I love how you look for me every morning to give me a hug. I love that you still want me to carry you after naptime. I love it when you take my hand and want to hold it. I love how you are so proud of your family, and introduce us to strangers that we meet. I love it that you are sensitive and gentle. I love hearing you pray at night. James, I love everything about you - you are a gift.


Morgan said...

Your kids are just gorgeous Heather.

patti said...

very sweet!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Great post. Much of what you said about James I can say about Isaiah. This stage really is a fun stage.

the kids really do look like siblings

Carla said...

Well said!

Wenona said...

LOVED this post! You are such a great mommy!