Friday, November 14

Good Times

The last few days have been great, which comes with a little bit of a funny side-effect for me. When I have great days, my heart longs even more for a baby because I know I could handle the extra workload. James has just been a gem for the last week. He was toted along to do Christmas banquet decor shopping for our church on Wednesday. Although that seems to be his least favourite thing to do, we survived. He was rewarded with a 1/2 hour of play at the train table at Chapters, and all was well. I also pretty much finished my Christmas shopping this week, but admittedly it was a short list and mostly involved picking up gift cards. We've been enjoying some good sleep lately, with James going down around 9:00pm and waking up after 8:00am. He's been quite well behaved this week too, and fun as ever! He really enjoyed making "fruit and vegetables" with playdough this morning. He then played with them for almost an hour - just transferring them from one container to another, and then from one chair to a table, and then back to the chair again. We had a nice lunch together, him with leftover spaghetti, and me with leftover butter chicken and rice. Now he is down for a nap, while I sip tea and type. Tonight we are going out with friends, which I am very much looking forward to. Ryan and I are hoping we can convince them to all go see "Quantum of Solace" with us - we don't get nights out that often!


Erica H said...

Glad you had such a good day! And have a fun evening, too! :)

Trev and Rebekah said...

Missing you!

Amber said...

hope you had a good evening! we were sorry to have had to skip out :(