Tuesday, August 5

And Now to Answer...

In my last post I asked people to ask me some questions. I have spent some time thinking about each of your questions while on our recent trip to Calgary, and now I get to answer them! It was fun to do this little project, but I was hoping for a few more questions. I know that my blog has been a bit boring this summer, due to most of my time being spent outside, and computer issues. Perhaps I've lost some of my audience. Anyway, just so you know, this photo of James was taken at the Calgary Zoo. I thought I would post it so that this long post wouldn't be so boring. Anyway, here goes.

Rebekah asked me to talk about what I'd like to accomplish before I die. Before having James, the one and only thing I ever really wanted to accomplish was to have a baby. Now I have done that, but the next thing I'd like to accomplish is having another one! I loved being pregnant, and I enjoyed labour/delivery very much (yes, without drugs). I'd also really love to see Ryan and I design our own home, and have it built. I would also love to reach as many people as I can for Christ, simply by living a life that reflects Him in all I do - be it walking the street, writing on my blog, or playing with my son. I have a lot of work to do on that - it will likely take up the rest of my life. I'd love to see more of the world - but it's hard for me to say what I'd like to see most. I think I'd really love France, Italy and Spain.

Nin asked me what my most powerful "God moment" has been. I had to think about that for a long time, because every God moment is powerful! I didn't want to be cliché and say that it was the moment James was born - but that was ultimately the most amazing miracle I have ever witnessed. I think that the most powerful God moment I ever had was one evening when I was questioning God about my salvation. I was standing at the front window of our house praying, and listening to my iPOD. God told me to put my iPOD on shuffle, and that He would speak through the next song that played. I wrote down which song it was, but I can't find it right now - needless to say, it was the perfect song from God. As the song played, I felt God tell me to read a certain verse in the Bible. Anyone who knows me knows that I DO NOT know references from the Bible, so the reference God gave me meant nothing when I heard Him say it. When I went to read it (expecting it to be a verse that meant nothing like, "And Joshua was the son of Levi, and Levi the song of John, and John the son of...", you get it), it said "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". This was my firm affirmation that God plans not to harm me, and that I WILL see Heaven. It was very, very powerful!

Nin also asked what I would rather do, eat a bar of soap, or drink a bottle of dish detergent. I spent WAY too much time thinking about this! Hahaha! At first I thought I'd rather drink detergent, because it would be faster I think than chewing a bar of soap. Plus, dish detergent can come in good flavours like green apple (which I currently own). But then I thought about the small travel sized soaps, like from a hotel, and I think I'd rather eat a small one like that than drink an entire bottle of detergent. Does that answer the question, Nin?

Janelle asked me who has made the biggest influence on my life - spiritually, emotionally, etc. Of course, I could make the cliché answer again and say "Jesus"! But I decided to narrow it down to someone I know here on earth. That answer also required much thought, but in the end I would have to say that my dad has been my biggest influence. We don't see eye-to-eye on everything, but I would have to say that I have always really wanted to walk in his footsteps. He is spiritually strong - and I have admired how he has made certain choices in his life to keep himself morally pure, even when everyone else around him was saying it was okay (he has never consumed alcohol, smoked, done any drugs, etc.). My dad is also the most patient and gentle-natured person I've ever met. I can't really remember him ever raising his voice - ever. He is kind, loves kids, loves people, and always wants to give people the very best that he can offer them, even if that puts him behind. I've had the privilege of working with him, and he is a great boss. He is fair, sometimes too fair, and doesn't hold grudges. I love my dad, and I think that a lot of the things I've learned from him have made me a better person.

Jodi asked if it was weird that she reads my blog, but has never commented before. I don't think it's weird at all! I know that I have many lurkers, and I always hope and pray that I have things to say that will bless everyone who comes across my blog - whether I know you or not. I haven't gone private with my blog for this very reason - I want everyone to be welcome. It may not stay open forever, but I am glad that you come and read about my (sometimes boring) life - and the struggles and joys that I go through each day. Thank you for being a loyal reader, and for thinking that my blog is interesting enough to come and read on a regular basis. And thank you for finally commenting, it's nice to "meet" you. God bless!

Thanks for the questions ladies! I'd still gladly take more if anyone is interested. That was a lot of fun!


Trail Rider said...

I can't believe my sis asked what you would eat bar soap or liquid! sheesh! but good answer!

What do love most about your hubby?

if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Dianna said...

How did you and your hubby meet? Was it an instant bonding or did it have to be developed first?

Nin said...

Yeah I asked how you and your hubby met! : )
Good answers! What a good idea to do this.
By the way, LOVE the monkey leash (Daniel has the same one)

Lindsay said...

Um... Let's see...

When is the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?


What is your best learning-how-to-drive story?

Elina said...

Great post! I love the picture of James... I bought the same monkey to keep Brendan in line on our recent trip to Ontario!