Thursday, October 28

My Jamers

James is just the greatest kid. Really. He is so encouraging, kind, and sensitive. He is a super stellar big brother! He's smart, and loves projects. He is always the first person to run up to me in the morning with a huge hug, a big "I love you Mom", and sometimes even "You smell sooooo good Mom". I couldn't be more in love with my little boy.
His sensitivity is mostly good - but it has it's downsides. I didn't think I would already be dealing with school-related teasing, but it has begun. How do kids just KNOW which kid hates being teased? And then why do they HAVE to test the boundaries of that teasing? Well, James is being teased at school, and it hurts him. He seems confused about why the one little girl that he like SO MUCH, and want to be friends with is saying mean things to him. My heart just breaks. They aren't serious offenses, but it's still hard to hear my little boy asking me what "scaredy cat" means. He didn't want to wear a costume for their class party this week, but I sent one along just in case. Apparently he wore it briefly for a photo - and in that short time span, this girl told him his costume was funny, "and she said it in a mean way". Wow, evil is just so prevalent - even in these young kids, who have grown up in wonderful Christian homes!
We've been praying for this girl EVERY night - and if I forget, James will remind me. I don't really know how to walk with him through this. I try to reassure him of our love, and that this girl's remarks aren't true, and that he can stick by the friends that are nice. But just like us as adults, the cutting words ring out in James' mind more than any of the encouraging words do. I hope he'll be able to get past this, and in some ways I hope he can toughen up - but only a bit! I love my sensitive, caring boy. What this girl doesn't realize is that someday James is going be a GREAT husband!


Trev and Rebekah said...

I love James for who he is. My son seems to get picked on too. It's seems he is usually telling me after I pick him up each day from preschool which kid hit him and today it was one of the same boys who hit him and knocked him over. Ofcourse I am not there to see what part my son played in it but he is hurt by it all. He tells me he doens't like preschool because it's boring and I wonder if this has something to do with it.

I like that you are praying for that little girl and it's a good reminder to get Isaiah to pray for his "friends" who hurt him too.

Kimberley said...

I want to cry... not sure of the exact reason but mainly because it is just sad. I just pray that my actions would only teach Logan to love others and not treat them badly like this little girl is to James. I agree with Rebekah that praying for this little girl is an awesome idea, this will teach James that problems are for God (and a gazillion other things as well). You´re doing awesome Heather, James it blessed to have you!

Carla said...

Poor James! Poor you! I can't believe that teasing is starting already! I haven't heard of anything like that from G's preschool. Have you tried talking to the little girl's mom? Or the teacher? Maybe a word from one of them would make the girl realize that it isn't nice.

Kudos to you for handling this so well. Your heart for you kids is amazing!

Teri said...

Having a sensitive kid is rough. I deal with on a daily basis with my oldest, sometimes, and it is rough. I would probably mention it to the teacher. Good luck with the issue. And I totally know what you mean by wanting them to tough it up a bit :)