Tuesday, October 19

Three Little Birds

I didn't notice at first, but God has been trying to get my attention through a secular song for the last couple of months. I love music, and God often speaks very strongly to me through the lyrics of songs.
It came up the first time while we were away for September long weekend. We stayed at a resort, where they hold a talent night for the staff and guests. Two girls that were working there from Jamaica went up, and sang a Bob Marley song that I hadn't heard before. It's called "Three Little Birds". I listened to the song, but was distracted by something so I didn't hear God whispering to me to listen closer.
Considering I had never heard that song before, I was surprised when a few weeks later I turned the radio on in the van and heard that song come on! I don't often listen to that station, but had decided I wanted a change of music. We were all in the van together, Ryan, the kids and I. Suddenly, the lyrics of the song took on a whole new meaning. God whispered, "This is for you". Who knew He could speak through secular music?!
Since then, I have heard the song on that same station two more times, and have listened to it often on YouTube. Each time I get goosebumps, because I know that this song is God speaking directly to me. The words are simple, and repetitive, but that doesn't take away from the message He wants me to know.
The "three little birds" lyrics stand out to me too, in three ways. In one way, they represent to me my three miscarriages. In another way, they seem to symbolize the three children we'd like to have. But they also stand out to me as representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I hope you can be blessed by the song too!


Trev and Rebekah said...

God speaks through anything that will get our attention. I hope that calms any fears you have when you think about trying again for another baby. Thanks for sharing

Carla said...

That is my favorite Bob Marley song! I am glad that God used it to speak to you. It definitely does parallel many things in your life. Love you!