Monday, April 27

Random Stuff

I read A LOT of blogs, when I have time. Usually it's during James' naptime, and then I just go hard on reading ALL of the blogs in my Favourites folder. It's a lot! Because I have SO many to read, and because I usually get challenged a lot by each one, it often means I don't leave a comment. Perhaps you can relate? Sometimes I don't comment, because I have to absorb the word that has just been spoken to me through your writing. So please don't be discouraged. I DO read your blogs, and I love them!

I'm getting back into reading again, but it's not good! I get so into the book that it feels impossible to put it down. Poor James get totally neglected (okay, not really, but sometimes I just want to sit and read)! Right now I am reading a drama/mystery by Harlan Coben called "Promise Me". I love drama/mystery books, but if they don't get interesting within the first few pages, it loses me instantly.

I made the mistake of baking homemade Oreo-type cookies. I technically made them as a treat for James, but I don't think he's had more than 3. I've averaged 3 an hour for the last week. Okay, maybe not THAT bad - but it's pretty bad. Between those cookies and the jar of olives in my fridge, well, you get the picture!

On Thursday last week we got to see baby at my first "normal" ultrasound! It was wonderful! I got to watch the entire exam on my own screen, and yes, I do think I got to see baby's bottom. Do I think I know the gender? Well, yes and no. I have a guess. And really, that guess probably still puts the accuracy of the gender at about 50/50. So we'll see! I'll be proud if I guessed right! The baby looked really healthy. I had been concerned about this baby's lack of movements, but apparently my placenta is in the front - and that sort of cushions all the movements and kicking. Also, this baby appears to be really relaxed. It doesn't spend nearly so much time hoofing me like James did. Rather, this one just likes to wiggle around. Could be a nice change if the babe remains this way OUTSIDE the womb! Baby was also seen playing with it's toes, stretching, and in general wiggling around. The technician said the baby had a very healthy umbilical cord - hahaha! When I drove into Winnipeg for the appointment (through some flood water I might add), I was listening to a praise CD I hadn't listened to in a while. Almost all the songs seemed to really speak to my heart, given that I was on my way to go and see my healthy miracle baby! I spent a lot of the drive crying tears of joy, and just thanking God for this beautiful, precious blessing. I feel gloriously happy! On a disappointing note, there are no photos to share of baby Banana. Yes, James named the baby "Banana", so that will be the nickname. A CD of photos of baby Banana was $50, and we decided not to go for it. I had plans of making a really awesome slideshow, to one of those songs that had me in tears... but I guess that will have to wait.

I am excited to have begun the process of preparing James' new room! So far that involves moving things out - like the computer desk (now in the kitchen, which I love), a writing desk (in our spare bedroom), and the bookshelves (which will go down to the basement). There is also a lot of other miscellaneous stuff in that room, namely filing cabinets, boxes of stuff, a CD tower, etc. that all needs to find a new home. James' big boy bed is ready to go - it was actually my old bed, and before that it was my mom's. I plan to repaint, hopefully create a crawl space hideout, put up some blinds, and have someone make some simple valances - and that is basically it!

This week has very few plans. I see my OB tomorrow morning, and then go to a Norwex party in the evening. We have a playdate on Wednesday morning planned. Thursday I have a morning meeting, and Bible study in the evening. And that's my week! Hope you all have a good one. I'll post a 20 week photo soon - I left my camera at Rebekah's house!


Lindsay said...

Banana is a GIRL :)
Glad you & baby are doing well!

Beth said...

I'm so glad to hear you and baby are doing well. Pretty soon your little one will be on the outside and you can take all the pictures you want and makes tons of slide shows for us to enjoy!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Remind me to bring your camera tomorrow.
Looking forward to the play date.
I read lots of blogs and try to comment. Yet I am so behind on reading blogs that I am only able to pick a few that I usually read.

Lauren said...

That's so exciting that you had such a great ultrasound:) I just finished 'Promise Me' (I've just gotten into his books) and I really liked it:) Glad you're all doing so well!

Wenona said...

yay for a great ultrasound! Healthy umbilical cord - lol, never heard that one before!
And olives? That's an interesting craving!

Robin Fehr said...

I can't wait to see the actual pictures of 'banana'!
I am so glad that you could get a good glimpse of the babe, and that things are going well!