Thursday, March 26

A Day to Remember

Today was the due date of our last miscarried baby. I couldn't forget it, because it was also my niece Emily's tenth birthday today. I woke up to a quiet cabin, everyone still sleeping. I got out of bed, and wandered into the bright living room space and opened up the patio door curtains. Beyond the cabin is the beach, and the ocean, and beyond that is purple mountains (see photo above). This morning it was all lit up with beautiful sunshine, and I think that sight was just God saying to me, "It's going to be alright Heather. Your babies are safe with Me". I felt that peace all day, and enjoyed celebrating Emily's birthday with the family. After lunch, while James napped and Ryan did some work, I went exploring out on the beach. It was so serene, and so quiet - other than the waves hitting the shore, and the seagulls screeching above. I took a lot of photos, which I'm sure I'll get around to posting yet. I took the one below, however, and found that it spoke to me. Somehow it said to me, "You are not alone". I took the shell to keep, to remind me of that moment, and of this day.


Erica H said...

I admire how open you are about the babies you've lost, and that you grieve openly the children who are waiting for you in heaven. I remember when you announced your pregnancy last summer and being so excited that we'd have babies so close in age again. I'm just so happy for you that you have this baby you're carrying and that everything is going well with this pregnancy.

Stacey said...

I'm so glad you could enjoy the day, and feel at peace. And you're so lucky to be away from Manitoba :) Maybe don't come home for a while. All this snow just needs to go away...

Trev and Rebekah said...

I love nature and how God speaks through it. Looking forward to giving you a hug tomorrow. I am glad you felt peace from God especially today.

Ang said...

Beautiful day, Beautiful post, Beautiful you, beautiful God.

Robin Fehr said...

Sounds like you had an encouraging day. I'm glad-- you deserve it! Great pictures! I look forward to seeing the rest!!