Thursday, November 11

Death Will Do That

When a soul is snatched away from earth, there is an emptiness in the air that you can almost feel. It's like the spirit realm has to rearrange itself, making room for the new soul - and the air surrounding us has to adjust to one less body breathing it in. Have you ever felt that? The feeling that there is a presence, and yet a complete lack of presence when someone dies too soon, unexpectedly?
Our community is facing that kind of emptiness this week. A dear friend, and mother, and wife, and sister, and grandma, was snatched away from earth this week in a car crash. There is such a heaviness here - you can feel it. Faces are not bright when you meet in the store. Eyes are swollen, faces drawn, shoulders hunched. There is some rejoicing - she gets to join the son she lost in heaven. But down here, she will be missed greatly. This was a woman who loved. In everything she did, there was love.
That's what I hope I'll bring to this earth. I hope I exude love. I hope that when I die people will say, "She really knew what it meant to love". So here's my love you... can you feel it? I'm trying to pour it out to YOU. I love you. You are special to me. God loves you. You are special to Him.
Oh, and Marj, when you get to heaven, can you hug my babies for me?


Trev and Rebekah said...

Thinking of our little town. Yes death is hard to face and really makes you think about how you really don't know how much time you have with loved ones. Losing a family friend a few weeks ago really helped me to put some thoughts in order.

HUGS my dear

Gina said...

That post made me cry Heather. I'm so sorry for you and your communities loss. Hugs.

Carla said...

"When a soul is snatched away from earth, there is an emptiness in the air that you can almost feel. It's like the spirit realm has to rearrange itself, making room for the new soul - and the air surrounding us has to adjust to one less body breathing it in."

That is the most amazing description of that feeling. You have put into words something I thought couldn't be described!

My prayers are with you all at this time. Life seems so unfair at times!