Thursday, September 3

One Year, One Week & One Day

That's how long it's been since our last little angel grew wings and flew to be with Jesus. I've been so preoccupied this past couple of weeks that baby angel No.4's birthday went unnoticed, and I'm okay with that. However, I did notice it a week later and decided I'd still blog about it. My last miscarriage was the hardest one, because it followed so closely after the one preceding it, and I was still grieving - and I LONGED to believe that God was going to give us that baby. Once again, God had other plans, and now I can see how the timing is still much better now. But I did love that little life, and was so very heartbroken to lose it. It was also the first time I cried going into the operating room for the D & C. I didn't want to be there at all, and it was almost as though I still didn't entirely believe that another one of our babies hadn't made it. The nurses were so compassionate, and wiped my tears for me as I slowly faded to sleep.
I don't know why I have to have 4 angel babies, but I do know one thing for sure - I am SO glad that I KNOW that I'll get to MEET them someday! When I get to Heaven's gate, and see four little angels running in my direction, it will all make sense. I can't wait to hold them and kiss them. For now, I get to lavish love on my earthly angels. Oh, thank God for my James and my Baby Banana! There is just so much, so very much, to be thankful for.


Lauren said...

Such a beautiful, uplifting post Heather. Thanks for sharing!

Carla said...

What a journey you have had. What things you have to look forward to!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Oh Heather, I am so sorry I forgot this little one's birthday. Usually I remember the months atleast but life has been so busy at this end and I didn't think about it. Sorry about that. Love you and wish I could give you a hug.

Trev and Rebekah said...

Still waiting for pictures!!! Hope you are doing well.

Wenona said...

I think I'm checking your blog 100 times a day! But I know how precious the first few days are. Praying for you - take care!

Gina said...

I'm checking 100 times too! Can't wait to her details and see some pictures of your precious baby girl.