Friday, September 11

How Rayya Came into the World

To sum up Rayya's entrance into the world in two words, I'd say "unexpected" and "quick". I truly wish that all pregnant women could have labours & deliveries like mine. I actually enjoy and cherish the experience, and I'd like to do it just ONE more time - I think.
Anyway, how it all happened was like this. We had decided to stay home for the long weekend, even though it is the weekend where we traditionally go down to the States and stay at a resort with Ryan's family. I was just so uncomfortable, and feeling apprehensive about going, so we begrudgingly stayed home. On Sunday night I was a bit bummed that we had stayed home for nothing. I felt guilty, because I knew how much Ryan wanted to go to the resort. I had no idea of what was to come...
At about 3:00am or so (all times are somewhat a guess, because everything happened in a blur), I woke up and tried to roll over in bed. As I was helping my tummy over to the other side, I felt something give - like the feeling of pulling out a drain stop, kind of. I sort of panicked, because I thought I did something bad to myself when suddenly I felt a gush! I got out of bed as quickly as possible, stepped out of the bedroom door and suddenly I was literally gushing water all over the floor! I just stood there with what was probably a very surprised smile on my face - my water had broke! And did it EVER! Once the flow quit, I grabbed a towel to stick between my legs and went to get Ryan. He didn't believe me when I woke him up and told him my water had broke. We went back to the hall, and the water was spreading everywhere (old house, kind of leans to one side). It was flowing directly into my pantry, and various other locations. I wasn't having any contractions yet, so we started to mop up. The water found it's way through the floorboards, and was even dripping from the ceiling in the basement. So gross - but very funny to me! Thankfully the mattress pad soaked up the fluid I lost in the bed, and I put on some new sheets so that my mom could come and sleep there.
I called my mom to come, and started packing up. Everything was ready to go, so it didn't take long. We were on the road at about 3:30am or so. The contractions started just before we left, at 4-5 minutes apart and lasting 30 seconds. They weren't bad, just like bad menstrual cramps. I was so curious how far along I'd be at the hospital. We got to the hospital around 4:30am and the contractions were getting stronger, and about 3 minutes apart. It seemed like everything was taking so long! I had Ryan take me up to the 3rd floor in a wheelchair, because it was hard to walk. I had to do all the paperwork while he moved the car, and I was getting really annoyed with the receptionist who didn't seem to notice that I was very much in labour!
I got into triage at about 5:00am or so. When I was checked, I was 6cm dilated and the contractions were getting stronger - I just wanted to get into a room. We got into the room at about 6:00am. I got settled in, went to the bathroom, sat down on the side of the bed and things just started happening! The contractions got REALLY strong, and I felt I couldn't move. The nurse tried to talk to me about pain options, and was trying to encourage me to use the shower or birthing tub. Ryan just kept saying to her "this isn't going to take long, the baby is coming". She didn't really believe him until I said, "It burns and I feel I need to POOOOOOOOooooop!". She asked me to lie down so she could check me, and once on my back the contractions got excruciating! She checked me and I was fully dilated! She got a bit panicked then, trying to call the Dr. and telling the staff she needed help as things had progressed so fast.
She told me that at any time I could bear down and push, so I did! Thankfully the Dr. came quick, things got set up - and 5 minutes later Rayya was born.
It was so nice to be able to have her put straight onto my chest, and Ryan was able to cut the cord. We never got to do those things with James, as they quickly had to examine him right after birth. She stayed on my chest for a long time, and I just got to take it all in. I had absolutely no cuts or tears - just some "scratches", so that was nice! It went so smoothly, I was so happy!
After settling in with Rayya, Ryan decided to go downstairs and make phone calls. The nurses kept coming to check on me, and my bleeding. The nurse was checking my bleeding, and pressing on my tummy when I passed some fairly major clots. She called the Dr., because she was concerned about more clotting. Before I knew it, there was a rush of activity in the room! (Thankfully Rayya had nursed, and was asleep in the bassinett). I was hooked up to an IV to get some clotting medications into me. The Dr. then handed me the gas mask, and said "start breathing this". Um... why?! Well, to my utter dismay, she had to GO BACK UP THERE with her hand (almost up to her elbow) to take out the clots. Yes ladies, I can firmly say THAT was the worst thing I've EVER felt. Thank God it only took a couple minutes, and I breathed that gas like it was my life.
After THAT episode, Ryan returns thinking all is well to find me pale and the room a mess. Things did go back to normal after that, and the recovery was fine. We stayed in the hospital for 48 hours, and then came home as a family of 4 on Wednesday afternoon.
I'm sure there will be more to add to this later, but I think this pretty much covers the basics!


Lindsay said...

Great story! Glad it was quick! The image of you mopping the floor while in labour made me smile :)

Erica H said...

Aaahahaha...mopping up the floor before you left - that had me CRACKED up!! :-) Wow, what a great labor. I'm so glad it went so well for you, and FAST! I, too, loved my labor experiences...I can't say they were traumatizing to me in any way - and I'd like to at least do it once more, too. ;) Rayya is beautiful, and I'm so happy you have your little girl...they are so so precious! I hope you're all adjusting well to the new change in your household, too. Those first couple days can be a little rough, but it only last a time...then you'll find your routine with two children, and love every single minute of having 2 kids!!!! Blessing to you all! Yaaay! She's HERE! :-)

Trev and Rebekah said...

I never realized the clotting thing before. Sorry you had to go through that but glad it isn't worse.
Love you

Becky said...

I love birth stories. Thanks for sharing Rayya's with us! I'm so happy for you Heather! Whenever I think of you I can't help but smile and feel a lift of joy! I know we don't really "know" each other, but I think of you and pray for you often, and this was such a long journey for you guys. What a miracle she is! (And I just LOVE her hair!) Give her a kiss from me on the top of that downy soft hair! Congratulations!

Dianna said...

Oh my I haven't read your blog in a couple days now I've come here and you're precious bundle is a few days old already wish I would've found out sooner it's a little late now to call my mom and tell them. I'll make sure to give them a call tomorrow. I love the name I love girls. I love birth stories. Thank you for sharing. What a blessing children are. Enjoy! We can't get enough of our 3 children. Wish we could have more but am thankful we have those precious 3. Soo sooo happy for you. I should send you a sweet gift for baby. I'm VERY happy for you Heather!! I can't stop smiling. Congratulations to a beautiful baby girl!!

maresi said...

Oh, Heather! So intense and how special! I was having flashbacks to my own daughter's birth reading this story! Thanks for sharing it with us so quickly - Now get some rest!

Wenona said...

Mercy me Heather! What a story! I can't believe how much water you had inside of you! lol, kinda funny, but yet gross at the same time, huh?
How awesome that you got that first contact with Rayya as soon as she was born, those are such precious moments.
And I am so sorry about what they had to do to get the clots out - I just cringed as I read that. Poor thing - but so glad you are okay and recovering well.
Yay for no tears! Praise the Lord!

Warren & Liane Thiessen said...

That sounds like the dream birth!
When Jillian was born I saw her for about a second (or I saw that there was a baby on the table) They went to check her right away and they only brought her to me after about 15 min (which seemed like hours to me) I got to hold her for about 10 min before they took her away to do some more test (because of my diabetes and since her heart rate was going crazy just before she was born). Luckily that only took 15 min and then I got to nurse her for the first time. It was beautiful!

I'm glad you had those first special moments with your girl! I'm sure you will forever cherish that!

Carla said...

Wow, what a great birth story. I can't wait to meet the princess!! I can't believe your water was leaking through the ceiling. That's a lot of fluid! Aren't you glad that didn't happen at the mall!

Lena said...

LOL! sounds like quite an adventure! You are lucky it was so quick! Congrats on little Rayya= she is such a doll!

Dixie Vandersluys said...

I'm so glad that your labours have been so great. What a fantastic story. Hope all is going well! If I can get my act together I'd like to drop a meal and some muffins or something one day.

Take care!!! And, of course, more pictures when you have a minute! :)

Roo said...

sooooo beautiful. what a the name too and your story is awesome!!!!!!!! your giving me baby fever!!!!!!!!!

Ang said...

We like how we can see how tiny she is compared to your hand Heather. Beautiful, sweet Rayya!

Drea said...

U LOOK SO HAPPY and amazing I must add.. awe so exciting...

Renee Shaw said...

That sounds fairly similar to my story with Isabella as well! Very quick - I started feeling contractions at 1am, but slept on and off until 3am, then got up to go to the bathroom and the contractions were pretty painful at that time already - I was in denial though! lol I didn't want to go to the hospital because I was scared that if I wasn't very far along, then I would have to go through labour in the hospital and I didn't want that cause I couldn't use the tub - so we stayed home and tried the tub and the ball, but at like 4am we had to go in cause I was in a lot of pain. Like you, I was 6cm when I got to the hospital. Needless to say Izzy was born at 5:55am :)
You look so happy in the pic :) I'm so happy for you guys - you have a beautiful family!!!!