Tuesday, July 15

The Shack: Is It Heresy?

It was brought to my attention this week that there are people from the church that believe that William Paul Young's book "The Shack" is filled with heretic teaching. I was very concerned, because I had readily advertised this book as a must-read, and I would not be happy to endorse any book that had any message other than truth.

After doing my own research, and reading several articles that pointed out the apparent heretical teachings of the book, I decided to ask someone that I trust. She is a very deep-rooted Christian, very wise, and I look to her for spiritual guidance when I am unsure. She told me that she was so glad I had asked, because she had just recently taped an interview with William Paul Young on "Life Today", with James and Betty Robison. She told me that the interview had been really fantastic, and that Mr. Young seemed to have his doctrines straight. He does not confess to have written a theological masterpiece - but simply just his own interpretation of who God is to him, and how he had learned from his own baggage from the past. You can download and watch the interviews here. They are from July 14th & 15th.

I also believe that Mr. Young is not a heretic. I don't agree with all of his ideas and opinions in his book, but I like most of it - and I still recommend it! Something that my trusted friend said really stuck out to me. She said, "I believe when God is doing a great work, the enemy is always there too and messes up the minds of the people". I believe that this is true of "The Shack", and also with the work of Todd Bentley.

What I've learned is to take the time to pray through things that you question. God will not lead you astray, so if something doesn't feel right - then perhaps it is not. At the same time, sometimes things that don't feel right can be Satan masking the truth. Ask God to give you clarity, and He will. He wants us to WALK IN THE LIGHT. I am always amazed by how God is so happy to let me know when something is of truth or of darkness. I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise, but I am still just getting to know this God who speaks. He is amazing!

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32


Renee Shaw said...

You're into Todd Bently? He was here a few years ago, isn't he amazing...no isn't God amazing through him?

Trev and Rebekah said...

I'll have to read that some time in the fall if I have time. Am I skyping tonight or not?

Robin Fehr said...

Sounds great Heather, very well said!

Roo said...

it made me sad to read several articles (written by christians) attacking the author of the shack. i know, God used that book to speak deeply to my husband and impact him in ways that drew him closer to God.

i think that's a good thing.

Dianna said...

We do have to be very careful where we judge and how we voice our opinions on certain topics. While I believe some things in scripture are based differently then my neighbor sees or reads it. It doesn't mean one is to condemn and the other isn't. If both of us are genuine in our soul searching God will and sees our hearts and will lay it upon us at the right time.Sometimes not even at all. Satan attacks and will keep on attacking every chance he gets. While there are books out that I might not agree whole heartily ,it does speak to the next person. God does work in mysterious ways. But like I said we need to be careful where and how to place judgment when it comes to Christianity.

Jamie said...

This book was so meaningful for me and I believe that God spoke so much to me through it. I'm glad to hear that you found positive things about the author online.

Nin said...

Keep searching and seeking Heather... The Lord promises we will find the true Him.
I really really really like Dianna's comment. It's like she put my thoughts out into really good and understandable words.
I'm glad I now have a better way of putting it.

texnartist said...

It really doesn't matter what you think, it matters what is. Simply put what Paul Young says next to scripture and you will see for yourself that the views he puts forward are not orthodox and are in fact heretical and that is why no one would publish the book. God the Father does not have any marks from the Crucifixion only the Son does. You are not free to reimage God in the image of a woman. He gave us a way to relate to him and it is as father.
