Friday, July 25

Open for Questioning

So I've been in a blogger lurch with little to say lately. It's mostly just that summer is finally here, and I spend most of my time outside with James. I love summer! However I want to write about something, but have no inspiration. What would YOU like to hear about? Ask me about something, and I'll try to come up with a decent blog post about it. I'm open to your questions, big or small. I don't promise to answer all of them, but I'll do my best. Oh, and keep it clean.

Thursday, July 24

Picture Post

James watching the Morris Stampede parade.

The "lellow car" at the Manitoba Children's Museum.

The train table at the Children's Museum.

James' reaction when mommy took him away from the train table for a posed photo.

My precious son in the sun.

Monday, July 21

Happy 20 Months James!

Wow - where is the time going?! I have a 20 month-old. He is fabulous! I have a million things to say about him, but I also have no time. My internet is still not working all the time, we have family out visiting... and well, I have a toddler running the household! It's so much fun - each day just gets better and better with him. My favourite thing in the world is hearing him talking, especially when he says "Thank you mommy", with a big grin. James is one HUGE blessing from God.

Thank you Lord for my beautiful son. He means the world, and more, to us!

Tuesday, July 15

The Shack: Is It Heresy?

It was brought to my attention this week that there are people from the church that believe that William Paul Young's book "The Shack" is filled with heretic teaching. I was very concerned, because I had readily advertised this book as a must-read, and I would not be happy to endorse any book that had any message other than truth.

After doing my own research, and reading several articles that pointed out the apparent heretical teachings of the book, I decided to ask someone that I trust. She is a very deep-rooted Christian, very wise, and I look to her for spiritual guidance when I am unsure. She told me that she was so glad I had asked, because she had just recently taped an interview with William Paul Young on "Life Today", with James and Betty Robison. She told me that the interview had been really fantastic, and that Mr. Young seemed to have his doctrines straight. He does not confess to have written a theological masterpiece - but simply just his own interpretation of who God is to him, and how he had learned from his own baggage from the past. You can download and watch the interviews here. They are from July 14th & 15th.

I also believe that Mr. Young is not a heretic. I don't agree with all of his ideas and opinions in his book, but I like most of it - and I still recommend it! Something that my trusted friend said really stuck out to me. She said, "I believe when God is doing a great work, the enemy is always there too and messes up the minds of the people". I believe that this is true of "The Shack", and also with the work of Todd Bentley.

What I've learned is to take the time to pray through things that you question. God will not lead you astray, so if something doesn't feel right - then perhaps it is not. At the same time, sometimes things that don't feel right can be Satan masking the truth. Ask God to give you clarity, and He will. He wants us to WALK IN THE LIGHT. I am always amazed by how God is so happy to let me know when something is of truth or of darkness. I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise, but I am still just getting to know this God who speaks. He is amazing!

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

Thursday, July 10

Living the Good Life

Life here has been mostly "sunshine & roses" lately. I feel like we've come to a nice plateau right now - a very comfortable groove. James' sleep schedule is fairly routine now, with the occasional early morning, but nothing too serious. We spend most mornings walking around town doing errands, and visiting grandpa Kroeker at work. We get back in time to play a little bit before lunchtime. I've discovered that James isn't a picky eater, but he is picky about textures. Right now he basically lives off of various forms of pasta and sauces, chunky soups, peas, corn, beans, cheese, apple sauces and yogurt. He's got his mommy's sweet tooth - and loves anything sweet, so I really have to limit his sugar intake. He goes down for his nap like a charm, and usually naps for 1.5-2 hours. After naptime we have a snack, and then we meet up with "Auntie Robin" and Jaxson for a nice long afternoon walk. If the boys aren't enjoying the outdoors, then it often turns into a playdate indoors. Once we get home James will play outside, or watch a DVD (only Elmo's World will do) until suppertime at 6:00pm. Then it's time for our walk to the playground, where James gets out the last of his energy before bedtime at 9:00pm. It's really a glorious routine, and I can say that this part of being a mommy is my favourite!

Other things that are making me happy these days is my hubby. We don't always see eye-to-eye, but lately it just feels like we are on the same page. The communication lines seems to be functioning well, and we seem to be operating like the team we always dreamed we could be. He's a great daddy, a hard worker, and a good friend. I love you honey!

I am also getting to know God better and better. He keeps revealing to me how easy it is to follow Him. I used to think it was work, but these days it just feels like the easiest and most natural thing to do. Not every day is like that, I'm still growing - but He feels so near right now, and I love that "peace that passes understanding" that comes along with that. I'm really learning to talk to Him about everything, even the dumb little things. It also seems like the more I just let Him do the work, the more opportunities for ministering fall into my lap. I don't always take His bait though, and I'm working on listening to Him closer. I also feel that God has been revealing His true heart to me as well. Many of us imagine a big, powerful King on a throne lording over us and telling us what to do. I'm finding that God really isn't so much like that, but rather more like a good friend - walking beside us, calling us up to chat, and going for coffee. Some of these things became clearer to me after reading "The Shack" by William P. Young. Go and get it - you'll like it.

I appreciated being able to share some of this new-found knowledge in the comments section of my previous post titled "Still Without Internet". Someone questioned my belief of Todd Bentley's recent healing escapade, including raising a few people from the dead. What has really become clear to me is two things:

1. Humans cannot perform miracles, but God can - and He can use people to do it. I don't believe that Todd Bentley can heal people at all. However, he believes that God can, so he has let God use him for this purpose. A phrase that has resonated with me lately is "Not me, but Christ in me".

2. God has only one purpose in mind, and that is to bring glory to His Kingdom. As surprising as it might be to some, God is not actually in the business of giving us everything that we ask Him for. He wants to give us everything that will make us happy - but only if it is a righteous request. Because God has that fabulous ability to see the "BIG PICTURE", He can see just how everything that happens to use will mold our futures - and the futures of others. Thus, if I ask Him to heal a loved one, God can do it - but He will ONLY do it if it will bring the greatest amount of glory to His Kingdom. It's not all about us people - it's about building the future Kingdom of God, and He wants ALL of us to be there.

So anyway, those were my thoughts for today. It's verging on preachy, so I have to stop there. I love you all very much - God bless you and keep you!

Monday, July 7

Good Moves

A few of James' latest comments:

- After hearing me burp, he laughed and said "Mommy BIG burp... buuuuuuuurrrrrppp! Mommy funny!".

- I told my friend, "James talks all the time", to which James pops his head into the door from another room and confirms "ALL the time".

- We got our new "orange van", and James loves it. We were pulling into our driveway after a ride around town when James started crying "More rides! More rides!".

- I am still without internet, and have been using my parent's computer. While I was here today, I came out of the computer room to see what grandma and James were up to. James took my hand, lead me back into the room, pushed me into the chair and said, "No all done, Mommy, computer". And then left to go play with grandma some more!