Thursday, July 26

World's Worst Mother Moment

Ah, the blissful sound of a quiet house as little James takes his morning nap. Mom is happily checking up on her emails when suddenly the silence is broken by... THUMP! Mom's heart stops momentarily as she realizes the "thump" can only be one thing. The silence in the house is no longer blissful, but rather panic-inducing as mom rushes out of the office and down the stairs as fast as possible. Upon reaching the bottom stair the scream errupts, and the wailing follows. Mom (feeling like the world's biggest failure), rushes into her bedroom to find her dear little James on his knees on the laminate floor. His little nogan is garnished with a sizeable purple welt, as he decided that his adventure over the pillow-fence onto the floor should be head-first. As mom wipes tears (some of her own), kisses the "boo-boo" and rushes to find a cold compress, the world slowly becomes a happier place again. Little James will no longer take naps on Mom's bed. Mom also decides to play it safe, and calls Health Links, just to make sure she shouldn't go to the hospital. She also has grandpa come over to wire the phone shelf to the wall, and puts up the baby gate at the stairs. At least there were some smiles afterwards...


Christy said...

Poor little man! Tristan fell off the couch when he was about 5 months. I felt so horrible! But he survived and believe me it won't be the last! He is a boy and they are always getting hurt!

Unknown said...

Don't worry. Everyone has a story like that!

Janelle said...

been there - done that...many times! haha...
Kamryn doesn't react much when she gets hurt anymore...i'm kinda thinking it's because it's a normal thing for her now. haha!!
but that IS an awesome goose egg!
and the best thing - he doesn't remember ANY of it...but i know MOmmy will for a while! :)

Jolene said...

Those bumps always look so much worse on a little bald head. I remember when my sister Amy was little and she "fell" into a similar situation. It was right before we were leaving to go get family pictures taken. My mom was so mortified. Poor little guy!

Dianna said...

Well said Shannon WE ALL HAVE STORIES LIKE THAT. Well said

Nin said...

aw! I'm POSITIVE you would not win ANY prizes if there were a worst mother contest. I on the other hand might win some sort of top 10 prize, and if I did, I'd share it with you, so that you didn't feel left out :)
Us moms are way more traumatized by our kids ow-ees then them. I will NEVER forget when my girl fell down a bunch of cement stairs and scraped her face all the way down, (it was the worst thing I have ever witnessed in my life and is permanently burned in my photographic memory) however, my little girl completely forgot about it later that night.
This will not be the last of James's little accidents, and you'll soon be the one sharing crazy stories with other new moms who think they're the worlds worst moms.

Anonymous said...

I think I topped you this week. I took my 6 year old to emerge because she said that her eyes were fuzzy. Once he began examining her we found out she was seeing double. Upon questioning she told the doctor that she had tripped over her bike and fallen backwards smashing her head to the ground. The problem with this story is that that was the first time I (mom) had heard of the fall. She didn't cry after falling nor did she think it was important to ever tell me. I had fears of tumors, diabetes, etc. before I found out she had fallen. Only to find out that she had a concussion. We spent 10 hours in emerge and now 2 days later her sight has returned and things are back to normal. Or as normal as they are with 3 kids... You are doing a super job! He might have a shiner but no concussion... Have a great weekend!

-Me- said...

Well, I must agree with Nin in saying that you would NOT win a worst mother prize, and I too may make it into the Top 10. When Taylor was just about 2 she went running down the hall, tripping and falling face first into the back of her car seat that was sitting there. She had a humongous black eye for about 2 weeks, and every time we went anywhere I felt like people were looking at me like I beat my child. It's definitely true that they are always getting hurt, too! (Boy or girl!!!) Taylor has had many many boo boos since then, and I always feel horrible when they happen, but thats what being a kid is all about!!! Hope James is feelin' better and so is Mommy!!

Drea said...

aweee! Dont you hate that. Hes ok tho... it'll happen again. Just the life of the widdle boys :-) Caleb stays bruised or cut on his head. I blame it on the fact he has an overly big head LOL makes him tough!

Brandi said...

Aww poor you! I know that feels just terrible (Kalia has had her share of falls that I feel to blame for . . . one just yesterday in fact) and probably will end up being more traumatic for you than for him. Thankfully, babies have short memories and don't hold grudges. As long as you learn from it.