Saturday, July 21

8 Month Monkey

Wow - I wish I had more time and energy to post about my amazing 8 month old. Unfortunately, he has come down with a nasty cold, and has kept us up for almost a week now. He has started crawling. He has one tooth, and I think three more on their way. He is hilarious. He is still smiley and friendly as ever. He laughs a lot. He makes us laugh a lot. I've been trying to cherish these last few nights, thinking that someday he won't call out for me when he doesn't feel good. He's still so small, and yet I know that these days will pass quickly and I'll wonder where my little boy went!

I'm still very seriously thinking about shutting down the 'ol blog. It's draining me of precious time and energy, and yet I hate to miss out on the many friendships I've made. As I prayerfully consider what I need/want to do, I just ask that you please keep coming back to check in on us!


Dianna said...

Heather it's ok if you don't post every day or if you don't post for a month. We all understand what it's like having a newborn they are time consuming and they do drain us and fulfill us at the same time. Once your little monkey will be older you'll find a couple min. to blog a bit. Just don't feel you need to blog everyday and get stress over it if you don't blog. I check your blog for new posts if you have one I'm more then eager to read it and if you don't have a new one that's ok I know things will slow down sometime and I know you'll do it someday, sometime. Enjoy your little baby for they do grow too fast. They deserve our time. Keep on being a super mommmy!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Glad we chatted today. I appreciate you girl!