Thursday, July 1

I Don't Miss Blogging

I miss my blogger friends a lot lately. I miss the days of posts with tonnes of comments and lots of "chatter". But those days have sort of slipped away, and I find myself enjoying the freedom I have in NOT blogging as much! At first I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to keep up after I had Rayya - you know, all the monthly updates and stuff. I felt I had to do it for her, for you, and to keep things "fair" because I blogged about every single month of James' entire first, what, 18 or more months of life?! I can't do it anymore, and I think I finally and successfully feel completely comfortable blogging only when I want and need to - and not because I feel I have to. All that being said, I do miss the good 'ol days of blogging. I do catch up on your blogs every now and again, and have often been surprised at the arrival of new babies, new homes, new adventures! So know that I'm still reading, and hopefully one day I can get back to my diligent updates here at My Quest Through Motherhood. Motherhood is busy - and right now my quest to get through it doesn't involve making time for the blog.


Trev and Rebekah said...

Don't feel guilty about blogging. I keep up not for others but for myself. I am glad you are doing well and keeping busy. kids keep us mommy's busy. When you do have time I'd love to chat and catch up on the phone though. Hope you had a good july long weekend.
Love you

Carla said...

Good for you for coming to peace with this place. Your blog should be what you need it to be, not what you think others expect.

I'll look forward to reading your posts when you do blog.

Roo said...

right on! that is the best reason to blog.... :) bless you my friend.

Domestic Bloggess said...

What a great place to have come to! Good on ya :)

maresi said...

I'll be happy to read when you do post, for sure! But I understand perfectly all your reasons for taking some time away from the blog.

Janelle said...

i miss everybody too. i feel a little "out of it" because we don't blog as much or keep up. but i know we'll always be there for each other. and i've made such great friendships. but this is just a phase in our lives, and i'm sure once the kids are all in school - we'll catch up. :) love you.