Wednesday, May 12

Can't Think of a Good Title

Hey folks. It's me. I know I haven't written much lately, and there are reasons. Some that I can't talk about, some that I won't talk about, some that I want to talk about but have no idea where to start, or where to end. Let's just say that I'm dealing with a few different life issues right now.
It's not been easy, fun, or even the least bit helpful. I don't even know entirely where I'm going with this post except to say that I hope "Heather" will be back soon. A lot of the Heather I once was has sort of been lost... some parts of Heather have been a little injured... some parts of Heather is in hiding. I'm hoping that I'm growing. I'm hoping that I'm learning. I'm hoping I'm being equipped, and that I'm not just fading away. I'm hoping that the fire is simply refining me.
What I'm desperately grasping to and holding onto for dear life is my sweet Saviour, Jesus. Wow, I am so glad He is forgiving and merciful. I need that these days. Someone to just love me, love me, love me. I'm hanging on to Him, and my little family.
I'm just hugging them tighter, loving them deeper, enjoying them further, and trying to soak in every single second of each of them - Ryan, James and Rayya. They really are all I need in my life... and Jesus... but on earth, I just need them. Sometimes there are aspects of all three of them that play into some of my... issues. However, at the end of the day they are all still there, and they all still love me and need me. Right now, I cling to that. So, thanks for stopping by here even though I've had so little to say. I have so much to say, but it's all stuck inside my head right now. Perhaps one day I'll be better able to explain it! My love to you all!


Trev and Rebekah said...

And my love to you! I heard a great beth moore quote today something to the fact that Jesus sees us most beautiful when he looks down and sees us clinging onto him for dear life.
I'm here if you want to chat.

Carla said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers as you journey through this.

Kimberley said...

Praying for you!

Janelle said...

i love you.

Roo said...


Erica H said...

Prayed for you.

Domestic Bloggess said...

Boy do I hear all of that. Paragraph 2 totally hit me. And though I pray that you will come out feeling stronger than ever it's nice not to feel so alone in those feelings.