Wednesday, May 26

A New Suit

I am certainly no bathing suit model - but you know you picked the right suit when you dare to post a photo while wearing it! This beautiful suit came in the mail after I ordered it from Lime Ricki ( I saw a review of a one piece suit on SIMPLE, and decided to check out the site. Wow! I love these suits! Sure, they may not be for everyone - but I find it pretty tough to find a bathing suit that doesn't make me want to hide in the shadows. I like to be covered, and held in. I like to NOT pick out wedgies, and I like to know that the "girls" are stuck in place. These are hard qualities to find in a bathing suit and especially one that is still cute & kinda sexy!
So anyway, I checked out the suits. I love tankinis, but since having babies, my belly is no longer something that should be seen by the public. Most tankinis still show a little midsection - and mine, well, it's more like showing off the spare tire! I like to keep it hidden! These tankini tops are awesome! They are extra long, and completely cover your belly - as well as staying down and not riding up. The best things were the boy short option, which I love, and also the PRICE! I got a 10% off coupon code from SIMPLE, and it's available till the end of May. I totally love the suit (just for the sake of others wanting to order, I am wearing a medium top, and large bottoms). I totally and highly recommend these suits. I love the one pieces too, but I'll stick with one for now!

Friday, May 21

Old-Fashioned Girls

I love old-fashioned little girls. Do you know they type that I mean? I'm talking about the kind of little girls that love pink, dress-up dresses, and painting their fingernails. I'm talking about little girls who like to learn and pretend to cook, play with dolls, be "the mom", and look after the littler kids. I'm talking about little girls who love babies, and want to hold them and play with them. I'm talking about little girls who like cats, and when they talk to you they look you in the eye with a twinkle. I'm talking about little girls who show respect, are soft, kind, and tell funny stories about all the crafts they made over Spring Break. These are the old-fashioned little girls that I love!

I know three of these old-fashioned girls, and yesterday I met three more. Their innocence and adoration for my little Rayya brought tears to my eyes. It's a lost art - raising good girls. And it's hard these days to do it. Society has painted them a picture of something so contrary to the "old-fashioned" little girls of yesterday. They are supposed to be into boys, loud music, and sexy clothes long before their 10th birthday. They hang out at the mall, scoping out members of the opposite sex, buying make-up and talking about dirty things before they even truly know the consequences of getting into any of that kind of thing.

I want to raise Rayya as a good girl. I want her to be all the things I mentioned above - the things that good, old-fashioned girls are. I want her to love being outside. I want her to love her family, and her friends. I want her to love herself. I want her to love Jesus. I pray, pray, pray that in this ugly world, where Satan attacks the innocence of little girls, that I can raise one who will rise above all that - and be proud to be old-fashioned.

Sunday, May 16

Dare to Compare - 8 Months

No, this photo wasn't staged. As soon as I looked at this photo of Ryan and Rayya, I knew we had a photo similar to this with Ryan and James - it was one of my favourite photos of them, and James just happened to also be 8 months in that picture. Funny hey?!

Wednesday, May 12

Can't Think of a Good Title

Hey folks. It's me. I know I haven't written much lately, and there are reasons. Some that I can't talk about, some that I won't talk about, some that I want to talk about but have no idea where to start, or where to end. Let's just say that I'm dealing with a few different life issues right now.
It's not been easy, fun, or even the least bit helpful. I don't even know entirely where I'm going with this post except to say that I hope "Heather" will be back soon. A lot of the Heather I once was has sort of been lost... some parts of Heather have been a little injured... some parts of Heather is in hiding. I'm hoping that I'm growing. I'm hoping that I'm learning. I'm hoping I'm being equipped, and that I'm not just fading away. I'm hoping that the fire is simply refining me.
What I'm desperately grasping to and holding onto for dear life is my sweet Saviour, Jesus. Wow, I am so glad He is forgiving and merciful. I need that these days. Someone to just love me, love me, love me. I'm hanging on to Him, and my little family.
I'm just hugging them tighter, loving them deeper, enjoying them further, and trying to soak in every single second of each of them - Ryan, James and Rayya. They really are all I need in my life... and Jesus... but on earth, I just need them. Sometimes there are aspects of all three of them that play into some of my... issues. However, at the end of the day they are all still there, and they all still love me and need me. Right now, I cling to that. So, thanks for stopping by here even though I've had so little to say. I have so much to say, but it's all stuck inside my head right now. Perhaps one day I'll be better able to explain it! My love to you all!

Tuesday, May 11

8 Months & 3 1/2 Years

Just a brief glimpse of a moment in a day with an 8 month old and a 3 1/2 year old!

James' Knock-Knock Joke

(in case you didn't catch it all)

James: Knock, knock...

Me: Who's there?

James: Rayya.

Me: Rayya who?

James: Rayya swallowed Ina. Then Ina didn't know what to do! And then she saw that everyone had disappeared, and then she saw a light but it disappeared and she didn't know what to do!