Wednesday, October 14

Rayya's Name

I haven't had the chance to tell you all about Rayya's name yet. Rayya was a name we had chosen if James would have been a girl. However, he would have been Rayya Isabelle. I absolutely love the name Rayya, and I couldn't let it go. When we got pregnant this time around, Ryan wasn't really as fond of the name anymore, so I tried to find new names for a girl. No matter what, I always came back to Rayya, and loved it. During the many times that I begged God to spare this little girl's life, I told Him I wanted Him to guide me to choose a name that would honor Him - and also that would open a door to allow me to share about the miracle that Rayya is. I kept coming back to Rayya, and could not allow the name to slip through my hands. Near Rayya's birth date, Ryan and I talked about names and he agreed to Rayya's name.
The name Rayya, spelled as it is, is the Hebrew version of the name, and means "to no longer be thirsty". I wouldn't have spelled it this way otherwise, knowing that Rayya will forever have to spell her name for people. However, it doesn't mean the same thing if it's spelled different. We thirsted for this baby, and now we are no longer thirsty for her - and I can't think of a more fitting name! Her middle name Katherine was Ryan's choice, but it's a beautiful name and means "purity". Her second middle name Faith is pretty self-explanatory! Without faith, the faith of others, faithful prayers, and the faith of the Father above we would not have Rayya. I just couldn't name her without the mention of Faith!
So that is the story of Rayya's name. It means so incredibly much to me, and I love sharing the story of her name!


Lindsay said...

What a great story! I love that. I was curious about her name :)

Trev and Rebekah said...

It's fun to have a meaning behind your name. I love talking about my name and it's meaning to people or about what my son's name means. I really think naming a child is huge and one that should require prayer.

maresi said...

What a wonderful choice! She is as lovely as her name.
(my daughter's middle name is Katherine too!)

Domestic Bloggess said...

I love that you posted this because just the other day I was flipping though baby books and came across Rayya's name and spelling and figured you must have named her because of the meaning. What a beautiful name and meaning for a beautiful baby girl!

Dixie Vandersluys said...


patti said...

that's such a beautiful story!

Wenona said...

I had never heard of that name before you had her and I think it is absolutely beautiful - and now that I know the meaning of it it's even more beautiful! I love the spelling of it - and don't worry, no one EVER spells my name right - we just get used to it. lol.

Nin said...

Beautiful :)
I love her name! I LOVE the meaning.
Miss you! I keep trying to catch you on msn. Love you!