Saturday, July 4

Baby Purchases

When I was pregnant with James I was totally pumped to do all the baby-related shopping. At the time we needed EVERYTHING, like crib, change table, blankets, clothes, towels, tub, sterilizer, blankets, etc. I loved getting good deals on that stuff, and I loved finding homes for everything and getting it ready for his arrival. As with James, I have also stocked up on some newborn diapers with some almost-expired coupons.

With this baby I have a lot less on my list, but I am still enjoying the preparatory purchases! I have bought a few blankets, mainly to replace the very obviously over-used ones. I've bought a few new sleepers, and BPA free Avent bottles to enhance my collection of Gerber Gentle Flow ones. I still have a few more things to pick up, like bottle nipples (do I have to replace them even if they are in good shape?), a couple of soothers (in the case that this one actually likes them), and washcloths - the ones I had for James stink, and look really ratty.

My two main purchases though were almost more for me than for baby. One was a Baby Trend Sit 'n Stand stroller. We use our stroller A LOT!!! That thing has put on serious miles, has travelled to Hawaii twice, and other various locations. I knew I would need something to haul my two kids around, but I didn't want a huge limo of a stroller. I did A LOT of research, did some test drives, and chose the Baby Trend. James totally loves the idea of being able to sit of stand, and the baby can rest in it's carseat. I am totally pumped to hit the road, or the mall, with this lovely ride!
My second main purchase was a new diaper bag. James' diaper bag is still in operation since his birth, but it is definately a little worse for ware at this point. I've taped the insides together twice with binding tape, and now that is no longer holding. It was time for a new one, so I decided to go high-end this time. With some advice from a friend, I went with a JJ Cole System diaper bag. It's smaller than my old one, but I think I can get used to that. It has a lot of other nice features that I will use - like the stroller straps, and the diaper caddy. I'm looking forward to using that as well. (And I got one that matches the new stroller!)

Although I have already mentioned it, my other favourite purchase is my baby carrier. I haven't tried it yet, but I can tell that I will love it.

Any second child purchases that I should think about? What did you get new for your second baby? How did you prepare differently with your second?


Trev and Rebekah said...

The bag looks good. You'll love it!

Unknown said...

I made TONNES of food to freeze. I did some with the first baby but it was really needed the second time when you have a bigger kid who must be fed and can't just wait until there's a moment to eat. :)

Lena said...

It's so fun buying stuff! A heads up though my SIL had that same stroller (same brand and setup)- it was nice to push with no weight on it. but as soon as you had the weight of two kids in there it was really hard to turn. I hope they have improved since she had hers.

Stacey said...

Oh, that stroller sounds great! What kind of carrier did you get? And I'm just gonna throw this out there... how about cloth diapers? Why not break out and try something new :)

Anonymous said...

Stacey - I have Baby Booty on my Facebook groups, so I know where to come if I decide to go the cloth route with diapers. There is a condition that runs in our family with sensitive skin, and allergies (in infancy only) to our own urine. The only way to prevent serious rashes is to use disposable diapers. If Baby Banana appears to be okay, then I might try cloth.

Stacey said...

Yikes, that's no fun to deal with I'm sure! And I actually wasn't even trying to push Baby Booty :) To be honest (and now I'm going to feel stupid) I didn't even THINK of Baby Booty when I made the comment!

And for what it's worth, I'll have some new diapers in really soon that have a fleece inner layer, which keeps the baby feeling dry, much like a disposable.

Anonymous said...

This is my post about the wrap that I got:

Julie and Greg said...

We have a sit and stand stroller as well and it still is one of the best things we got for our second baby. You will love it!

Carla said...

I love that stroller. Maybe I'll have to look into that for us. I'm totally the opposite of you, I have zero motivation or desire to go by new stuff for this bean. I can't even think of one thing I want to buy. There are a few things I need to buy and I am hoping I get motivated before the time comes. One thing I NEED to do is Christmas shopping. I didn't get it all done before G was born so it didn't get done at all that year! Oops!