Saturday, May 9

I'm So Proud

One of my very closest friends, Robin, just had her FIRST art show this weekend! It was part of a group of artists who held a fundraiser for Breast Cancer in a store called Shop 61 1/2 on Albert Street in Winnipeg. My mom and I went to the fundraiser, partly to commemorate a friend of ours who died from breast cancer last year, but also to support Robin! It looked like she was doing a great job, and her display looked really good. Robin, I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to see you really take off with your art.

P.S. I just noticed that my pregnancy ticker has now passed the 20 week mark! Woohoo! Less than 20 weeks to go before we get to meet Baby Banana! God, You are GOOD!


Trev and Rebekah said...

I love some of those paintings!

Janelle said...

hey heather - does she have a website?