Saturday, April 13

Broken Heart

I don't even know where to start.  I didn't spend much time thinking ahead to this post.  I just went online and saw an article a friend had shared on Facebook regarding the case against the abortionist, Gosnell.  I read it.  I wept.  A photo of a 30 week baby boy, curled up and bleeding in a box.  Born alive, his spinal cord was split, and then he was thrown into a box where he jerked and flailed until he died.

This is the world we live in now.  Where my children have yet to grow up.  Lord, come back.  Please, please, come back.

I cannot begin to explain how this shatters my heart.  I can't even begin to imagine how it would feel to someone who had no children, but longed to have one.  That these babies are murdered by having their spinal cords broken, and then tossed into a box?!  This is not a legal procedure, however, what difference does it make if that baby has been born or not?  That this is acceptable as long as the baby is still in utero?  Someone out there, someone... please, make them see that this has to stop.  This HAS to stop.

Please, please... I will take that baby for you.


Carla said...

I haven't seen the article but I understand the raw grief at the thought of such horror.

Trev and Rebekah said...

As I read about stuff on line with girls being raped and then the info passed around on the net, etc my heart is broken and disgusted. The Word says that the world will get much worse before His return. Feels like it's so much worse than it was 20 years ago when I was growing up. Wow! Have you seen October Baby and watched the bonus features? Great movie.