Tuesday, April 24


"Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that really don't matter". Francis Chan

Can I get an "amen"?!  Amen.  Amen!  So further to what I've been blogging about lately, I stumble upon this quote on Facebook today.  Really, this kind of encompasses all I've been rattling on about here in one single sentence!  I LOVE it.  If this quote had it's own "like" button, I'd click it.

I am SO wrapped up in worrying about failing as a mom.  I worry that I'll fail my kids by not giving them enough experiences... like sports, vacations, dance classes, and hour upon hour of endless driving in the car to get to some random destination.  I worry that I'll fail them with their diet because I don't cook everything from scratch... like KD as a regular side dish, Lipton Sidekicks, Bisquick, and Cool Whip, just to name a few.  I worry that I'll fail them when I react poorly to situations in life... like scraping their knee, getting dirty, and telling me that they aren't sure if they want to love Jesus or Satan (that actually happened, but was quickly taken back).  I worry that I'll fail them in showing them how to follow Christ.  That I'll fail them when they are teens and I'll need to be strong, wise, firm, and show unconditional love.  I am like the Queen of Worrying about Failure.

However, I love the idea of rather fearing that I'd succeed in things that don't matter.  Basically like all of the above.  So what if I succeed at always cooking every single meal from scratch?  What would be sacrificed to attain that goal would be less time spent with my kids, and mental illness on top of that.  Actually, that would pretty much be the sacrifice for all of those things mentioned above.  What DO I want to succeed at that MATTERS?

Well, ya, I want to succeed as a mother - but ahead of that.  I want to succeed as a lover of Jesus.  Throw my life into Him, and succeed in His eyes.  If I do THAT every single day, I will succeed in all other areas of my life without question.

This quote might just be the next thing I'll be putting up on a wall in my house.  I need to read this daily.

1 comment :

Trev and Rebekah said...

I love reading your passionate thoughts my friend. It excites me to see the love you have for Jesus ooze our of your thoughts and written words!