Tuesday, February 8

Too Blessed to Blog

I've stopped many times over the last year or so to think about why I feel I can't blog anymore. Even writing this post is tough. I'm just not into it anymore. I've gone through so many different aspects of it - the stress I was feeling about "having" to blog, the anxiety I was experiencing while having a baby and a toddler (they were not the cause of the anxiety, but dealing with it while taking care of them was rough), and then the competitive side of me that got upset when I didn't feel that I had enough comments on my post. I really disliked that the response my posts were getting was starting to reflect on how I was feeling about myself.

I went through a phase where I was even bitter - because I felt that my blog got the most attention when I was in pain (through my miscarriages), and felt that I was only considered interesting when I was hurting. And then I felt a little annoyed that I was also only interesting when I was pregnant. What about all that is in between? When I'm not suffering, or when I'm not pregnant? How about the every day life? I wondered who was interested in THAT part of me - which really makes up a lot more of my life than these other parts!

The truth is that since I've let go of the blogging, a few things have changed and for the better.

One, I don't judge myself or the validity of my thoughts and feelings based on what OTHERS think (and therefore, comment). This is huge for me. I have learned to trust God more. I go to Him more often with these thoughts than running to my computer to put them on the web. I no longer get anxious or upset about the lack of comments. I really have come to peace with the fact that my blog had become a gauge of my popularity and wasn't for me anymore.

Two, I spend more time away from the computer. Yes, Facebook and other things still draw me to it - but I can look at those in a minute, while blogging required me to sit down and focus. I miss the blog days, of reading about everyone's lives, etc. However, I appreciate the quick glances into peoples lives via Facebook. The time I don't spend on the computer is time well spent, I think.

Three, the only thing I want to blog about these days is my kids. And because I find that I want to come on here and just gush and gush about them - I decided that I'd rather invest that time in THEM, and not you (sorry, still love you though!). I begged God for these blessings, and the LAST thing I want to do is turn my back on them and ignore them! Not that blogging really caused them neglect, as I tended to blog once they were in bed for the night. However, I would still find myself working on my posts during the day, while they would be clinging to my legs and trying to press the keyboard buttons. So perhaps when they go to school I will be able to pick up my blogging again.

Four, I found that I actually would THINK in terms of a future blog post. I would do things and react to things, and take photos of things merely for the sake of blogging about them - and was finding it harder to just enjoy the moment, instead of how I was going to document it. Yes, I think blogging was becoming a problem for me! Blog-a-holics Anonymous anybody?

Five, I was beginning to miss anonymity. I don't want to be unknown, but there were parts of my life that I felt had been over-publicized I think. This was completely self-inflicted. But I like getting together with friends, and then be able to tell them something going on in my life that they HAVEN'T already read in full detail on my blog. Sometimes these life glimpses are still caught on Facebook - but not the raw openness of blogging about it. I like being transparent, but I think there is value in being able to tell people about things going on with me face-to-face. We're losing a lot of the verbal communication we once had. Like the phone. So when I started to feel a little bare, and found myself wanting to run and hide, I realized that it was within my control to cover up and get that privacy I was missing. It's great to be transparent, but there is also huge value in being private.

I still often reflect about my quest (into) through motherhood. My blog still has purpose to me, and I will come back to it. Motherhood has changed me drastically. I knew it would, but I never knew it would change me like this. The changes are all good. As I learn to focus my time and energy on my kids, it also helps me focus on Who gave them to me. I feel so blessed... too blessed to blog. There are not enough words, nor time, to really do justice to the feelings I have for my God-given gifts. James and Rayya are worth every second of the things I am missing out on in the blogging world.


Jilly said...

Good for you Heather :) Not that I'm happy you won't be blogging, but I'm glad you've figured things out for yourself and are doing what's right for you. I haven't blogged in a long time either, but I don't think I really have any good reasons for it :)

Trev and Rebekah said...

Loved this post and can relate to it. Especially how you felt people were read more and commented more about your pregancies than every day life. Sure have felt that from time to time over the last 3 and a half years. I am glad you figured out that you are important in God's eyes comments or not comments.
I love being transparent too. I guess that's why some some people we actually talk to know about things I can't blog about. It's nice that way.
Let's chat some time and catch up.

Love you

Niki said...

Alot of that is exactly how I've been feeling since Levi was born...

Leslee said...

Wow..I feel (or have felt) very much like you do sometimes, only I had never put my thoughts and feelings to words...Good for you for doing what you think is right!!

Janelle said...

i understand all of these statements. :) i miss all of the comments & daily updates we used to all have. but then our kids grew up or we had more kids and they should be our priority.
doesn't mean i don't really really miss the interaction though.

Nin said...

wow.....I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. Totally relate, totally agree.
Seasons come and go, and I too have felt the season of blogging days is over. Which is great, because the relationships that God intended to "stick" through that season, are still there.
So blessed to have "met" you in that season. And look forward to the day we meet for realz :)

Carla said...

You have a great perspective on blogging. I'm glad you've come to a good place with it.

I'll look forward to catching up with you face to face!

Dianna said...

good post Heather! I havent; been readign blogs since after Christmas i think. I just updated mine after half years of! I can totally completely relate!!!! Will try to stay in touch more but yes kids take up our time and we won't want it any other way!!

-Me- said...

I so totally relate to this post! So happy for you that the blessings are keeping you busy :)

Drea said...

I totally agree with so many things you said. Ive wanted to quiet blogging a lot recently.... but its such a hard and torn situation. Travis has been unemployed since Aug 2011... my blog has actually been a source of income for us... paying for our childrens food monthly some times. It also has opened a lot of doors photography wise for me, like photographing bobafamily.com new line this past year, which without that, we would of been in bad shape financially with the no job thing. That job was a true blessing and I know the Lord had it in his plan for us in this season.

That being said, all the recent comments I get on Travis' unemployement, in an UGLY way... people can be so hurtful. It makes me want to shut it down and even tho people do enjoy the blog, it seems as if I am allowing such ugliness into my life that doesnt seem worth it either.

In this season tho, I need to keep it up. Until Travis gets a job, I really think it be foolish for me to let go of that income.... but I will say, I have cut back a lot.

I schedule post ahead, just for the sake of having something go up. Keeping a daily post up, keeps my traffic going... and while I can write up post, have 600 visits - and only two comments, it really doesnt matter.

I enjoying knowing my family and friends and those I love get to see the updates of my children (the inbetweens not just the pregnancies hehe) - and that in some small way I have touched women with struggles I have had.

Some women feel so alone... and I really believe some of the blogs out there, encourage them daily. Give them a hope they arent alone in certain situations.... esp for those who do not cling to Christ like us.

Not sure if this is making sense ... its 4am and I woke up so hungry I had to just get up. I dont know abt anyone else but Im always hungry at night.

I do love that with discipline, you can go out on a play date, and not worry abt blogging it... like you said, thinking of future blog post. Its hard not to do that some days huh? esp when you are really into it.

Im not a great commenter :) - I dont do it often... but I love checking in on you.

Blessings Heather,
