WARNING: I wrote this rant in an angry outburst. Please accept my apologies.
Someone posted something on my Facebook status yesterday about disposable diapers being toxic. If you hadn't already heard this in the news, I'm sorry for now causing you undo stress as you calculate how many disposable diapers you, and your child(ren) have worn over the years, and how many percentage points each one will add to your chance (or their chance) of getting cancer. My guess is this: if you or your child get any type of illness, allergy, disease, cancer or otherwise sometime in your life, you will not blame the diapers your mom put you in, or the diapers that you put on your child. This is just a guess.
The conspiracy theory that goes along with toxic diapers (and there are actually toxins in diapers, I am not denying that fact), is that the chemical companies, and diaper companies don't care that we are poisoning our children as long as they are making money. Do you think that every single person that runs diaper companies and chemical companies cloth diapers their children? Do you think that they buy some other brand that is organic and natural at a higher price? Just take a guess.
Parents are so bombarded with theories, studies, facts, lies, media influences, marketing schemes, we don't even know how to HAVE a baby anymore! The next generation of mothers will probably assume that there are products, devices, and important pills they need to take to even conceive. How in the world did anyone ever actually manage to get pregnant prior to these "necessary" items?! It's so hard to fathom. But again, this is a just a guess.
So as parents we sift through all this info. We stress out. We lose sleep. We get anxious. We fall into depression. And then our beautiful baby gets a cold. Now we BOTH can't sleep. But what do the drug companies conveniently do? They take infant cold meds off the shelf. Why? Who overdosed their child? Did you? Did I? Did anyone you know overdose their baby? Why is that little convenience now gone? It never was because it was cancer-causing - like diapers. Weird. Well, maybe it's because taking it off the market makes parents even more broken, tired and depressed. Guess what?! Now the major market is not cold medication, but SLEEP AIDES, ANTI-DEPRESSANTS and ANTI-ANXIETY meds! What a much better world to live in, when parents everywhere are on meds to keep going. All this so that we don't put our children into toxic diapers... hmmmmmmmm...
What else have parents been attacked with? Poison baby bottles - we switched, because everytime I used the "bad bottles" I was beginning to worry. Poison infant formula cans. Poison baby food made in jars. Poison blankets, pajamas, creams, soaps, NATURAL soaps containing lavender and tea tree oil... this list is endless! ENDLESS!
If everyone started using cloth diapers, let's just say - can you guess what the new "issue" would be? It would be that too much feces is now being leached into the sewers, rivers and oceans. Exactly. It would only take a few years of all the extra poop and urine being washed among our regular laundry for "them" to start complaining that there are now toxins from feces in the water, and in our clothing. Traces of feces now being found in shopping carts, and hotel sheets, and swimming pools, and park swings. What an outrage! What an uproar!
The world is trying to wreck parents. Or is it the world? Let's not forget who hates parents, especially good parents, more than anyone. The evil one. So what is the ploy? Let's freak parents out so bad that they are on medication, can't function, can't raise their kids, and see what happens! I really don't think it's about money, or fear of poisoning our kids. I really don't.
God gave us the Holy Spirit. He protects us. I believe that NO MATTER what I choose for or against for my children, it will be blessed by God because I did MY BEST. Or perhaps it would be even better to get the whole planet of parents on meds, and then maybe take that away too so that these same parents start doing the unthinkable - and then voila! Now we have parents being IMPRISONED! What a great plan!
The only actual cure is one of two things. We either just stop populating the earth completely. Or we start to rely on God to give us divine wisdom for our children. For me, maybe that means I use disposable diapers. For you, maybe that means cloth diapering. For others, maybe that means toilet training your infant. Does it matter? Not really, as long as you are following the pull on your heart put there by Christ.
But guess what, this same person who thinks I should invest in organic, natural diapers also thinks I should give up my belief in God. Ha.
"My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. What you learn from them will crown you with grace and be a chain of honor around your neck.
My child, if sinners entice you, turn your back on them! They may say, “Come and join us. Let’s hide and kill someone! Just for fun, let’s ambush the innocent! Let’s swallow them alive, like the grave; let’s swallow them whole, like those who go down to the pit of death. Think of the great things we’ll get! We’ll fill our houses with all the stuff we take. Come, throw in your lot with us; we’ll all share the loot.”
My child, don’t go along with them! Stay far away from their paths. They rush to commit evil deeds. They hurry to commit murder. If a bird sees a trap being set, it knows to stay away. But these people set an ambush for themselves; they are trying to get themselves killed. Such is the fate of all who are greedy for money; it robs them of life.
Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square. She calls to the crowds along the main street, to those gathered in front of the city gate: “How long, you simpletons, will you insist on being simpleminded? How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools hate knowledge? Come and listen to my counsel. I’ll share my heart with you and make you wise.
“I called you so often, but you wouldn’t come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention. You ignored my advice and rejected the correction I offered. So I will laugh when you are in trouble! I will mock you when disaster overtakes you—when calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster engulfs you like a cyclone, and anguish and distress overwhelm you.
“When they cry for help, I will not answer. Though they anxiously search for me, they will not find me. For they hated knowledge and chose not to fear the Lord. They rejected my advice and paid no attention when I corrected them. Therefore, they must eat the bitter fruit of living their own way, choking on their own schemes. For simpletons turn away from me—to death. Fools are destroyed by their own complacency. But all who listen to me will live in peace, untroubled by fear of harm.” Proverbs 1:8-33