Wednesday, October 4

Theme Dreams

Lately, my dreams have become extremely vivid. They also seem to have a running theme each night. Last night's theme was "Climbing". All my dreams involved me having to climb a hill, a steep road, a path, etc. Each dream is different throughout the night - but always within the theme. Very, very strange. Other dream themes have been "Food", "Sex", and "Fighting". All of them were extremely weird, and very vivid. I can remember specific details about all of these latest dreams, including who was in them and what they were wearing. I'm sure this must be some sort of effect of the hormones I'm dealing with - but it's almost scary at times, and I wake up thinking "Why in the world would I have dreamed about THAT?!". Did anybody else have really interesting pregnancy dreams?


Dixie Vandersluys said...

Oh my goodness! That was my first sign with this pregnancy (I'm pregnant with my 3rd child). Strange, vivid dreams. I've given birth three times already (once was by myself on my own bed, telling myself "just relax and push", then pulling the child out all by myself). I dream strange things about what the baby is going to be. With my 2nd child, I dreamt I gave birth to a Corelle bowl of kernel corn which moments later turned into a baby boy. Yes. Strange dreams are definitely a result of the pregnancy hormones. I hope everything continues to go well with you for this pregnancy. And just enjoy the dreams as nightly entertainment that is much better than tv!

(P.S. My website is no longer at Blogger, it's Just in case you want to check up on this stranger commenting. I just live reading woman's stories about pregnancy, birth and raising kids.)

Anonymous said...

I keep having dreams that the baby is born, but I've been away somewhere and find out about it when I get back (as if the baby could be born without me? I wish!). The rest of the dream consists of me trying to get to the baby to feed him/her, but there's always something else that comes up and I start panicking because I know the baby needs to eat! It's an awful feeling and I'm always glad to wake up from it!

You're looking great by the way - we both only have about 6 weeks to go!

Anonymous said...

i DO remember having dreams when i was pregnant...especially near the end. but i couldn't remember them vividly which always drove me nuts when i woke up...
don't remember any "sex" dreams though...maybe those will be with the next one! haha.

Drea said...

Some of my dreams are so vivid during pregnancy that I actually wake up either sad... angry... scared...etc....
I usually have trouble falling back to sleep.

It has to be forsure hormones or something!

Ive had dreams with this one that I go into labor WAY early and pass out... and they end up having to do a c-section ... I wake up days later to see my baby.. and was all upset because I wasnt able to take a shot at breastfeeding a 2nd time because it had been days since the birth.

Weird huh?

Nin said...

You are definately not alone. With both pregnancies I had alot of vivid dreams. (I had a lot of sex dreams too! especially near the end when that was not a reality in the real world - lol)
But it seems I had even weirder dreams after Daniel was born. I would have tons of different weird dreams all night, and they were very vivid. I would tell my hubby about them afterward and wonder if there was something wrong with me. Must be the hormones.
(my sis once had a dream in one of her pregnancies that she gave birth to an owl! She put it in a cage in her living room.)

Christy said...

Yes I have very vivid dreams when pregnant. I had a very strange one when I was pregnant with my first...he was born 5 months early and in order to get him back in the womb for the last 5 months I had to feed him potatoes. So here is this littl baby eating potatoes on my bed! Very strange!I have never commented on your blog before. I am also pregnant with second child...5 months along now! You look really beautiful...I love your most recent picture!

Anonymous said...

... Here comes another stanger... Commenting on your blog...

Once when I was pregnant I dreamt that my son pushed his foot out of my stomach while I was shoe shopping at the mall. I lifted up my shirt to see what was going on and there was his little leg dangling out of my midsection. Since that was obviously not a good thing (unsanitary and all that) I pushed it back in (gently) and then duct taped the hole shut.

I also dreamt I gave birth to a kitten and when my dad came to pick me up from the hospital he drove away before I could strap it into its carseat. I was livid.

Sorry, I hope it doesn't freak you out to have all of us strange pregnant or used to be pregnant women on your blog... I couldn't resist.

You look sensational by the way!

Anonymous said...

I have definately had dreams of the baby popping out too! I also had one dream that my mom was there when the baby was born, and gave it a bottle before I had a chance to breastfeed and I was so mad at her! I have also had a few dreams of giving birth to an animal!

By the way, it's nice to have new people comment on my blog! Please stop by and comment anytime!

Cindi said...

Another newbie here. My name is Cindi, Chloe's my little one. Anyhow, on to the topic at hand...I had many strange dreams too. one was that I gave birth to a black baby, but had to have an emergency c-section because its afro was so big I couldn't push it out. In another one, towards the end of my pregnancy, I dreamt that I forgot my baby at MacDonalds(which was a big deal for me as throughout my pregnancy I craved their cheeseburgers). I was so scared that social services was going to come and take my baby away. this dream was so real, that I didn't go back to McDonalds until Chloe was 3 months old.

Ang said...

With each of my pregnancies i'd have these constant freaky dreams that baby would stretch my stomach so hard with his foot, hand or even face that i could see them through my skin.

Anonymous said...

Ang, I've TOTALLY had dreams like that too! I could see every detail of the baby through my tummy.

-Me- said...

I've definitely had strange dreams...EVERY night. Some times they are just very bizarre...I had a dream about giving birth to a dog, a dream that I had the baby but didn't know what I was doing, and my mom and I were bathing the baby in Zellers...oh boy, strange dreams. I was just glad to see that I wasn't the only one!!! I'm very excited for you to have your baby. I will be praying for you and your husband and for this new little life that will be arriving very soon. (I noticed that you think it will be happening tomorrow!!!)